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发布时间:2018-03-20 09:55

  本文选题:英汉房地产广告 切入点:及物性 出处:《天津商业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在现代社会中,特别是在市场经济高速发展背景下,广告作为一种大众化的商务语篇大量涌现,已渗透到社会生活的各层面并对人们的日常生活产生影响,成为了商家和消费者传播、获取商品信息的重要来源。但是广告是商品经济发展的产物,它不仅要遵循自身的语言特点,而且也要考虑文化因素的影响,所以如何创造出可以让目标受众接受的广告是一个难题。 本文采用了韩礼德的及物性系统和霍夫斯泰德的价值维度对40篇房地产广告统计分析,中英广告各20篇。及物性体现了语言运用于意识形态的紧密联系,,它包含三方面的内容:过程、参与者和环境成分。本文将对过程分配和参与者的类型进行分析,找到英汉房地产广告的表达差异。 首先是思维上的差异,中国文化主张主观性驾驭客观事实,客观事实主观化,自然人文化,着重于人的主观看法,强调主观作用及其重要性。这种思维方式在广告语言上的体现就是使用了较多的心理过程的运用及某些内涵意义丰富的参与者。而西方文化的思维方式则是理性的,客观的,所以在英语房地产广告中,关系过程占有很大的比例,强调客观的平实的描述。 其次是价值体系的差异。此文主要运用了霍夫斯泰德的价值维度,而集体主义和个体主义是中西文化差异的一个重要表现。同时高低权利差距反映在中美广告语言中,其表现形式为中文广告有明显的权力崇拜的痕迹,而美国的广告则极力追求人人平等。 最后是语境对语言运用的影响。到目前为止,霍尔的高低语境理论最具影响。高语境文化中人际沟通主要是通过信息之间的前后联系或大量隐含信息。而低语境文化中的交际依靠显性的直接的表达。这也很好的解释了,在汉语广告中,参与者的省略现象出现的更频繁。 总之,本文力求从及物性系统对广告语言本身做出分析归纳,以了解中英两种广告语言的特点,同时,通过对比语言差异,揭示广告背后的文化根源。
[Abstract]:In modern society, especially in the context of the rapid development of market economy, advertising, as a popular business discourse, has emerged in large numbers, which has penetrated into all aspects of social life and has had an impact on people's daily life. It has become an important source for merchants and consumers to spread and obtain information on commodities. But advertising is the product of the development of the commodity economy. It should not only follow its own linguistic characteristics, but also take into account the influence of cultural factors. So how to create ads that can be accepted by the target audience is a problem. This paper uses Halliday's and transitivity system and Hofstedt's value dimension to analyze 40 real estate advertisements, 20 in Chinese and 20 in English, and materiality reflects the close relationship between language and ideology. It consists of three aspects: process, participant and environment. This paper analyzes the process assignment and the type of participants, and finds out the differences in the expression of English and Chinese real estate advertisements. The first is the difference in thinking. Chinese culture advocates subjective control of objective facts, subjectivization of objective facts, culture of natural persons, and emphasis on people's subjective views. It emphasizes the subjective role and its importance. This mode of thinking is reflected in the use of more psychological processes and some participants with rich connotations in advertising language, while the way of thinking in western culture is rational and objective. Therefore, in English real estate advertising, the process of relationship occupies a large proportion, emphasizing objective and realistic description. Secondly, the difference of value system. This paper mainly uses the value dimension of Hofstede, while collectivism and individualism are an important manifestation of the cultural difference between China and the West. At the same time, the difference between high and low rights is reflected in the advertising language of China and America. Its manifestation is the Chinese advertisement has the obvious power worship trace, but the American advertisement diligently pursues the everybody equal. Finally, the influence of context on language use. So far, Hall's theory of high and low context has the greatest influence. In high context culture, interpersonal communication is mainly through the backward and backward connection of information or a large amount of implicit information, while communication in low context culture depends on explicit and direct expression. In Chinese advertisements, the ellipsis of participants appears more frequently. In a word, this paper tries to make an analysis and induction of advertising language itself from the system of materiality, in order to understand the characteristics of Chinese and English advertising languages, and at the same time, to reveal the cultural root behind advertising by contrasting language differences.


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