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发布时间:2018-03-20 10:15

  本文选题:B房地产公司 切入点:绩效考核 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着城镇化的不断推进,城镇化建设带动着国民经济的快速成长,房地产行业作为国民经济的支柱产业,发挥着越来越重要的作用。但是在最近的几年里,中国房地产行业不管是在应对外部环境的变化方面,还是应对行业内部经营管理方面,都迎来了发展的关键时期和瓶颈时期。从目前的内外形势来看,房地产企业即将迎来产业的发展和转型。在这一过程中,企业必须不断加强自身的管理,才能应对外部环境和市场经济形势的变化,保障企业持续稳健的发展。 本文选取房地产行业具有代表性的B房地产公司作为研究对象,分析了B房地产公司现绩效管理体系存在的问题,结合现代绩效管理理论研究提出合理的解决方法。本文共分为五部分内容:第一部分为绪论部分,介绍研究的背景、意义以及相关的研究现状;第二部分为研究综述部分,介绍绩效管理相关理论知识;第三部分为B房地产公司绩效管理现状及问题分析,以现状分析和访谈形式总结出公司目前绩效管理方面亟待解决的问题;第四部分为B房地产公司绩效管理体系再设计部分,基于平衡计分卡对原绩效管理体系进行优化,并指出在实施过程中应注意的难点和保障措施;第五部分为结束语部分,通过总结本研究的主要结论,,指出本研究的实践意义以及未来的研究方向。
[Abstract]:With the development of urbanization, the construction of urbanization is driving the rapid growth of the national economy. The real estate industry, as the pillar industry of the national economy, is playing a more and more important role. But in recent years, China's real estate industry has ushered in a critical period and a bottleneck period of development, both in terms of coping with changes in the external environment and in dealing with the internal management of the industry. Judging from the current internal and external situation, Real estate enterprises are about to usher in the development and transformation of industry. In this process, enterprises must constantly strengthen their own management, in order to cope with the changes in the external environment and market economy, and ensure the sustained and steady development of enterprises. This paper selects B real estate company, which is representative of real estate industry, as the research object, and analyzes the problems existing in the performance management system of B real estate company. This paper is divided into five parts: the first part is the introduction, the background, significance and related research status; the second part is the summary of the research. The third part is the current situation and problem analysis of performance management in B real estate company, and summarizes the problems to be solved urgently in the form of current situation analysis and interview. The 4th part is the redesign part of the performance management system of B real estate company. Based on the balanced scorecard, it optimizes the original performance management system, and points out the difficulties and safeguards that should be paid attention to in the process of implementation. By summing up the main conclusions of this study, this paper points out the practical significance of this study and the future research direction.


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