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发布时间:2018-03-20 10:29

  本文选题:商品房预售合同 切入点:商品房预售许可证 出处:《法学家》2017年01期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The validity of a pre-sale contract signed without obtaining a pre-sale license is related to the violation of the permit system for the pre-sale of commercial housing and its impact on the effectiveness of the associated contract in the Urban Real Estate Administration Law and the measures for the Administration of the Pre-sale of Urban Commercial Housing. The general provisions of article 52, paragraph 5, of the contract Law and the specific mandatory provisions establishing licensing requirements need to be considered first. Although the interests protected by Article 6, paragraph 2, of the "measures for the Administration of advance sales of Urban Commercial Housing" are usually to ensure the completion of the building and the interests of the purchaser, this interest does not have a significant advantage over the interests of the parties in the contract, Moreover, the sanctions provided for in the "measures for the Administration of advance sales of Urban Commercial Housing" are sufficient to achieve the normative purpose of Article 6, paragraph 2, of the "measures for the Administration of advance sales of Urban Commercial Housing"; on the contrary, Therefore, the violation of Article 6, paragraph 2, of the "measures for the Administration of advance sales of Urban Commercial Housing" is not sufficient for the legislative purposes of the general provisions of Article 52, item 5, of the contract Law. A pre-sale contract signed without a pre-sale license shall be recognized as valid. The conclusion of Article 2 of the Supreme people's Court on the interpretation of the applicable Law in the trial of disputes over the contract for the purchase and sale of commercial housing, although it has been somewhat mitigated, However, it still does not accord with the legislative purpose of the explained object.
【作者单位】: 清华大学法学院;


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