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发布时间:2018-03-20 11:53

  本文选题:房地产企业 切入点:土地决策 出处:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:土地作为房地产企业最基本的生产资料,对其科学、准确地决策是房地产企业健康发展的前提。那么,房地产企业如何在保证自身利益最大化的前提下,科学地进行土地决策是企业亟待解决的问题。 论文分析了西安市房地产企业土地决策的现状及存在的问题,根据房地产企业土地决策的内涵与原则,分析房地产企业土地决策时需考虑的不确定性因素,以此为基础将房地产企业的土地决策过程分为确定土地的临界购置量、购置能力、排序及最高购置价格四个过程。在定量分析土地临界购置量的基础上,确定企业需要购置土地的时间点;在此时间点,运用BP神经网络预测土地需求量,并分析企业资产负债率与土地购置资金的关系,界定出企业的土地购置能力,以此为条件,通过与现下“招拍挂”土地的价格做比较,小于企业土地购置能力的土地入选。运用特征价格模型理论,以土地的特征变量为指标对入选后的土地进行排序,,确定企业购置土地的先后顺序,并通过特征价格模型界定出购置相应土地的最高购置价格。根据模型仿真的逻辑思想,运用Matlab和Spss软件对房地产企业土地决策的相关数据进行预处理,应用Crystal Ball仿真器对房地产企业的土地决策过程进行实现。 本文对房地产企业土地决策模型的研究,在理论意义上讲,为房地产企业土地决策理论研究奠定了基础,从实践意义上讲,对房地产企业做出正确、合适的土地决策具有现实借鉴意义,可在一定程度上促进西安市房地产企业的健康发展,推进房地产企业的科学管理。
[Abstract]:Land as the most basic means of production of real estate enterprises, to its scientific, accurate decision-making is the premise of the healthy development of real estate enterprises. It is an urgent problem for enterprises to make land decision scientifically. This paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of land decision-making of real estate enterprises in Xi'an. According to the connotation and principle of land decision-making in real estate enterprises, the uncertain factors that should be considered in land decision-making of real estate enterprises are analyzed. On this basis, the land decision-making process of real estate enterprises is divided into four processes: determining the critical amount of land acquisition, purchasing capacity, ranking and the highest purchase price. At this time point, the BP neural network is used to forecast the land demand, and the relationship between the enterprise's asset-liability ratio and the land purchase funds is analyzed, and the land acquisition ability of the enterprise is defined. By comparing with the price of the land in the present period, the land that is less than the enterprise's ability to purchase land is selected. The land after the election is sorted by the characteristic variables of the land, using the theory of characteristic price model and the characteristic variable of the land as the index. The order of land purchase by enterprises is determined, and the maximum purchase price is defined by the characteristic price model. Matlab and Spss software are used to preprocess the relevant data of land decision-making in real estate enterprises, and the Crystal Ball simulator is used to realize the land decision-making process of real estate enterprises. This paper studies the land decision-making model of real estate enterprises, theoretically speaking, it lays a foundation for the theoretical study of real estate enterprises' land decision-making, and makes a correct study on real estate enterprises in the practical sense. The suitable land decision is of practical significance, which can promote the healthy development of real estate enterprises in Xi'an to a certain extent and promote the scientific management of real estate enterprises.


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