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发布时间:2018-03-20 14:37

  本文选题:住宅产业化 切入点:房地产业 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:现在21世纪的中国已经历了2个五年计划,新世纪的第3个五年计划也在稳步实施当中。这十几年来,经济全球化进程加快,信息技术和知识经济迅猛发展,产业边界模糊化,产业周期变短,买方市场地位凸显,不仅仅在中国,全球范围内正在引发一场深刻的经济、社会变革,中国的房地产业同样面临着一场巨大的变革。 我国真正意义上的房地产业发展仅有二十多年,取得了巨大成就。这些巨大的成就并不能掩盖房地产业生产力水平低下、粗放经营的实质,行业快速发展过程中的矛盾日益凸现:主要概括为“二高二低”——物质消耗高、能源消耗高、生产率低、科技进步对房地产业发展的贡献率低。其中最为关键的是居住条件的改善是建立在资源耗能过大的基础上等现象的发生更是说明房地产行业的可持续发展将遭遇到前所未有的瓶颈,如不加以解决,在今后一段时间内将成为经济和社会可持续发展的缰绊。怎样摆脱发展瓶颈,唯一的答案就是早在1994年就提出的、业内熟视无睹、业外不甚了解、而恰恰又具有深远意义的住宅产业化。 本文通过对组成住宅产业化的要素分析及其支持环节的研究,阐述住宅产业化的定义、原则以及条件、推进基础等理论问题,继而指明住宅产业化发展的必要性和可行性研究。 在分析与比较国外的住宅产业化发展模式基础上,系统地研究了房地产行业如何在住宅产业化进程中寻求更好的发展良机; 通过房地产业概念,特点,内容,前景及运行机制等要素简单对目前国内房地产业状况的概述及分析。总结对国内房地产业发展有益的启示。 分析影响住宅产业化的各要素,包括社会背景、经济状况、市场需求、产业政策、技术进步、实施主体与载体、保障体系与监督机制等诸多方面,得出住宅产业化在我国房地产业中应用的可行性和必要性。 进一步说明房地产行业如何应用这些要素更好的推进住宅产业化进程。进一步举例提出具体的产业化应用措施与实施办法。最后,通过国内房地产业中实施住宅产业化现状及出现的问题,找到解决问题的答案。
[Abstract]:In 21th century, China has already experienced two five-year plans, and the third five-year plan in the new century is also steadily being implemented. In the past decade or so, the process of economic globalization has accelerated, information technology and knowledge economy have developed rapidly, and industrial boundaries have been blurred. The industrial cycle becomes shorter and the buyer's market position is prominent. Not only in China, but also in the global scope is causing a profound economic and social change. The real estate industry in China is also facing a huge change. The real estate industry in our country has only developed for more than 20 years and has made great achievements. These great achievements can not cover up the essence of the low productivity and extensive management of the real estate industry. The contradictions in the rapid development of the industry are becoming increasingly prominent: mainly summarized as "two high and two low"-high material consumption, high energy consumption, low productivity, The contribution rate of scientific and technological progress to the development of real estate industry is low. Among them, the most important thing is that the improvement of living conditions is based on the excessive energy consumption of resources, etc., which means that the sustainable development of real estate industry will encounter. To an unprecedented bottleneck, If not, it will become a hurdle for sustainable economic and social development for some time to come. The only answer to how to get rid of the bottleneck of development is that it was put forward as early as 1994. The industry turned a blind eye to it and did not know much about it. And precisely also has the profound significance housing industrialization. Based on the analysis of the elements of housing industrialization and its supporting links, this paper expounds the definition, principles and conditions of housing industrialization, and puts forward some theoretical problems, such as the foundation of housing industrialization, and so on. Then it points out the necessity and feasibility of housing industrialization development. On the basis of analyzing and comparing the development mode of housing industrialization abroad, this paper systematically studies how the real estate industry to seek better development opportunity in the process of housing industrialization. Through the concept, characteristics, content, prospect and operation mechanism of the real estate industry, this paper briefly summarizes and analyzes the present situation of the real estate industry in China, and summarizes the beneficial enlightenment to the development of the real estate industry in China. This paper analyzes the factors affecting housing industrialization, including social background, economic situation, market demand, industrial policy, technological progress, main body and carrier of implementation, security system and supervision mechanism, and so on. The feasibility and necessity of the application of housing industrialization in China's real estate industry are obtained. Further explain how the real estate industry to apply these elements to better promote the process of housing industrialization. Further examples of the application of specific measures and implementation measures. Finally, Through the implementation of housing industrialization in the real estate industry and the existing problems, to find out the solution to the problem.


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1 毕建玲;我国住宅产业化研究[D];重庆大学;2003年

2 欧阳新;中国住宅产业化发展的制约因素及其对策研究[D];河海大学;2006年

3 韩琦;中国住宅产业化存在的问题及对策研究[D];华中师范大学;2007年




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