本文选题:变动幅度 切入点:货币政策 出处:《金融经济》2016年02期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:First, the research background in recent days, after a long bear market, the Chinese stock market seems to have ushered in a new bull market. The stock price has changed considerably. The market value of the company is also undergoing tremendous changes. After the new government took office and implemented the "three noes" policy, the Chinese economy once showed a trend of slowing down, so after the economic development entered the new normal, the growth slowed down. Where did the new bull market power come from? Economists generally think it is the result of government macroeconomic policy stimulus. Monetary policy, as one of the most important means of government macro-control, has made much contribution to the new bull market. For a long time, because of the interest rate control in our country, there are a lot of
【作者单位】: 西北大学经济管理学院;
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