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发布时间:2018-03-20 22:05

  本文选题:机构投资者 切入点:公司绩效 出处:《山西财经大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The real estate industry is one of the industries with the highest rate of return in our country. Since the reform and opening up, its development has been extremely rapid, and many investors have participated in the property market investment. The development of real estate enterprises relates to the people's livelihood of Cathay Pacific in China. It is not only an important source of financial revenue in our country, but also a reflection of the quality of life of the people. It affects investors. The vital interests of the country and the people's life, so the development of real estate enterprises has always been a hot spot. But with the increase of real estate enterprises, the competition in the industry has intensified, and the state has constantly issued policies and regulations to guide the development of the real estate industry. It limits its profit margins, and the innovation of real estate companies themselves has reached a bottleneck. In such an internal and external environment, in recent years, the benefits of real estate companies have plummeted. Institutional investors play an increasingly important role in the capital market with their capital strength and professional background. Fully understand the strength of the enterprise, optimize management behavior, promote its health, long-term development, so institutional investors into the real estate companies become the mainstream demand, At the same time, it has also become the research object of many scholars. However, the existing literature has not designed variables to investigate the differences of institutional investors' ownership on corporate performance in view of the characteristics of the real estate industry. This does not match the importance of the real estate industry in China. It is necessary to make a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the relationship between institutional investor's shareholding behavior and corporate performance in real estate enterprises. This paper selects the sample data of 108 A-share listed companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets in China's real estate industry from 2009-2014. From the overall institutional investors, This paper studies the influence of institutional investors' shareholding on corporate performance in real estate listed companies from three aspects: type difference and equity balance degree. The empirical analysis shows that the proportion of institutional investors holding shares is higher than that of institutional investors. The higher the company's performance level, the higher the proportion of pressure-controlled institutional investors holding shares. The better the performance level of real estate companies is, the higher the equity checks and balances of institutional investors are. The research enriches the theory of the influence of institutional investors' shareholding on the performance of the company, and it can improve the performance of the country and the real estate enterprises. It is of great practical significance for institutional investors to correctly view the strength of institutional investors in promoting corporate performance. Finally, based on the research results, this paper puts forward some suggestions to help the government to guide institutional investors correctly. At the same time, it improves the usefulness of the strategic decision of the real estate enterprise itself, thus promotes the different types of institutional investors to have the level, the long-term development and the harmonious operation of the capital market.


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