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发布时间:2018-03-20 22:09

  本文选题:住宅小区会所 切入点:所有权 出处:《西南政法大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济的蓬勃发展和住房制度改革的深化,商品房买卖市场呈现一片繁荣之景。但同时,有关商品房的各种纠纷亦是频发。这其中一个尤为引人关注的就是关于商品房住宅小区会所所有权的纠纷。本文由对典型案例的分析引出我国在确定小区会所所有权归属这方面存在的问题。接着通过结合国内外的立法和相关学说,对如何确定小区会所所有权的归属提出了自己的综合性判断标准,同时也对相关立法的完善提出的自己的建议。 文章第一部分对于柳州市金河湾业主委员会诉安青房地产开发有限公司案进行了简要的介绍和分析,得出结论:我国小区会所所有权的归属无论是在法律上还是在学术上都是处于一种不明确的状态。 文章第二部分先对我国关于小区会所所有权归属的立法进行了说明和评析。接着分析我国学术界关于小区会所所有权归属的五种主要学说:小区业主共有论、开发商所有论、约定优先论、房价构成论和综合性判断标准论。在详细讨论这五种学说的优缺点的基础上,对这五种学说去芜存菁,提取出了其中合理的部分。 文章第三部分阐述了美国、法国、香港特别行政区、日本和我国台湾地区的法律法规中有关小区会所所有权归属的规定。介于这些国家和地区早已确立建筑物区分所有权制度,我国现阶段的关于小区会所所有权归属的判断标准和未来的立法应该多学习这些发达国家和地区。 文章第四部分是本文的关键,阐述了一个确定小区会所所有权归属的综合性判断标准。该判断标准是通过依次考察业主与开发商的约定、房价构成和小区会所的运营情况来综合判断小区会所所有权的归属。确立这样的综合性判断标准主要有五个理由:1,弥补采用单一理论所带来的缺陷;2,尽最大可能维护广大小区业主的利益;3,简便有效地解决有关小区会所所有权的纠纷;4,消除再次引发纠纷的可能性;5,明晰在以往学者研究中被忽略的一些重要的细节问题。 文章第五部分提出了一些关于完善有关小区会所所有权归属的法律法规的建议。在法律层面要制定专门的《建筑物区分所有权法》,,重新定义共有部分和专有部分,并明 确业主大会的法律地位。对于相关配套法规,主要要制定《业主大会和业主委员会条例》,让业主有管理小区会所的能力。
[Abstract]:With the vigorous development of our country's economy and the deepening of housing system reform, the commercial housing market presents a prosperous scene. But at the same time, All kinds of disputes about the commercial housing are also frequent. One of them is the dispute about the ownership of the clubhouse in the residential district of the commercial house. This article draws the conclusion from the analysis of the typical case that the clubhouse in our country is determined. The question of the right to attribution... Then, by combining domestic and foreign legislation and relevant doctrines, The author puts forward his own comprehensive judgment standard on how to determine the ownership of the community clubhouse, and also puts forward his own suggestions on the perfection of relevant legislation. The first part of the article briefly introduces and analyzes the case of owners Committee of Jin He Bay in Liuzhou City v. Anqing Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. The conclusion is that the ownership of clubhouse in our country is not clear in law or academically. The second part of the article first explains and comments on the legislation of ownership of community clubhouse in our country, and then analyzes the five main theories about ownership of clubhouse in Chinese academic circles: ownership of community owner, ownership of developer, ownership of clubhouse, ownership of clubhouse, ownership of clubhouse and ownership of clubhouse. On the basis of discussing the merits and demerits of these five theories in detail, the reasonable part of them is extracted. The third part of the article describes the United States, France, Hong Kong Special Administrative region, The laws and regulations of Japan and Taiwan on the ownership of residential clubhouses. In these countries and regions, the system of building condominium ownership has been established for a long time. At present, our country should learn more from these developed countries and regions in judging the ownership of community clubs and future legislation. The article 4th part is the key of this paper, and expounds a comprehensive judgment standard to determine the ownership of the community clubhouse. This judgment standard is based on the agreement between the owner and the developer in turn. The composition of house prices and the operation of the clubhouse are used to judge the ownership of the clubhouse. There are five main reasons for establishing such a comprehensive criterion: 1, to make up for the defects brought by the adoption of a single theory. To safeguard the interests of the owners of the community, to solve the disputes about the ownership of the clubhouse simply and effectively, to eliminate the possibility of causing the disputes again, and to clarify some important details which have been neglected by scholars in the past. In the 5th part of the article, some suggestions are put forward to perfect the laws and regulations concerning the ownership of the clubhouse in the district. At the legal level, we should formulate a special law on building condominium ownership, redefine the common part and the exclusive part, and make it clear that. To ensure the legal status of the owners' meeting, we should mainly formulate the regulations of the owners' Congress and the owners' Committee to make the owners have the ability to manage the community clubs.


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