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发布时间:2018-03-21 06:43

  本文选题:房产税 切入点:供给侧改革 出处:《广西师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:By the end of 2015, in order to solve the problem of economic growth in the new normal, China carried out a start from the supply side of the structural reform. With the supply side structural reform for the property market, China launched a series of new policies to stock, while the impact of these new policies is bound to the property tax reform on the other. On the one hand, in May 1, 2016, "replacing business tax with value-added tax(VAT)" throughout the country, local government fiscal gap is further widening, through the local financial system of real estate tax reform and reconstruction is increasing. In addition, in the third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, put forward to speed up the real estate tax legislation and timely reform of the housing property tax, the tax reform program also emphasized the importance of property tax reform, how to respond to national call, promote property tax reform, has become a hot social concern. Based on supply side structural reform under the background of me In the real estate tax reform, not just simply copy the path of reform in developed countries, there are two reasons: first, the real estate tax in China has its own characteristics. First, the real estate tax in our country belongs to property tax in the individual property tax, which is levied on housing is different from general property tax, all the property of the taxpayer levy taxes. Second of Chinas real estate tax levy scope is limited to the city, county, towns and industrial and mining areas within the business houses. Third of Chinas real estate tax the taxpayer is taxed within the scope of the housing property owner. Fourth, don't use business district housing provisions of the tax basis, for their own according to the original value of property tax 10%-30% one-time net residual value after tax levied, the ad valorem tax; for rental housing rental income tax based on the calculation, from the rent levied. Secondly, China's real estate tax levy Leather face unique problems. First, the imperfect laws and regulations, on the effect of adjusting economic structure to the full. Second, tax system design is not reasonable, mainly in the narrow tax base, according to the preferential tax policy, tax, tax system is not reasonable, to negative supply side structure adjustment mission. In third, the real estate tax levy the system is not reasonable, resulting in distortion of the allocation of resources. Fourth, the supporting system is not perfect, mainly real estate assessment system is not perfect, the real estate registration system lag, resulting in supply side structural reforms lack of system guarantee. Fifth, the real property tax levy management right inside the lack of standardized, increase the supply of real estate structure uncertainty. These external factors are restrict the property tax reform. However, the advanced experience of the developed countries are worth learning from the real estate tax reform in China. China's Shanghai and Chongqing pilot property tax reform for 6 years, but the effect Is not ideal: regulation of individual housing prices have little utility, property taxes accounted for the proportion of local fiscal revenue increase is not obvious, adjust the limited role. A comparative analysis of the developed countries real estate tax system, we can draw the following enlightenment: one is the real estate tax is an important source of local fiscal revenue; two is scientific and reasonable the design of property tax system; the three is to formulate the corresponding tax policy and affordable housing supply; four is to standardize and perfect the relevant supporting system. Combined with the theory of supply management theory and the real estate tax, the property tax levy in our country is facing the problem of reform, from Shanghai and Chongqing pilot reform of property tax and property tax levied by the international the advanced experience, put forward China's real estate tax reform based on supply side structural reform: first, to accelerate the real estate tax legislation, through the reasonable decentralization of property tax collection and Administration The multi pronged plugging trap, perfecting the property tax law, at the institutional level to support supply side reform; secondly, the supply side reform of "three tasks fall one supplement", from the real estate tax levy on the basis of the preferential tax policy, tax, tax and other aspects of the reasonable design of real estate tax system; thirdly, through perfect real estate registration system, establish a scientific evaluation mechanism of real estate, the establishment of reasonable supervision mechanism, perfecting the property tax to promote the related system of supply side reform.



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