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发布时间:2018-03-21 16:29

  本文选题:绩效管理 切入点:房地产公司 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在现代社会,人是企业最宝贵的资源。当今社会中企业与企业的竞争,实际上就是企业人力资源之间的竞争。而绩效考核工作作为企业人力资源管理工作的重点之一,它通过提高员工和组织的绩效、挖掘员工和组织的潜能来激励员工,使他们的工作更加投入,同时也使组织不断获得成功。 中国的房地产市场,在改革开放以来逐渐活跃,特别是近10年来,房地产市场的暴利吸引了许多大大小小的公司争相进入。人们开始发现一些奇怪的现象:生产家电的公司开始投资房地产了,卖电脑的公司开始投资房地产了,连搞农产品的公司也开始投资房地产了。虽然在2008年以来,国家开始大力打压房价,为了限制房价增长过快出台了一系列政策,但很多公司在及时改变营运策略,调整人员组织架构,提升工作效率的前提下,,依然保持良好的盈利水平。可惜的是,有着国营企业雄厚背景的S地产公司,无论在行业环境良好时,还是在行业环境不如人意时,都没有盈利。是什么制约了S地产公司的发展呢? 笔者以S房地产公司的酒店项目部员工为诊断对象,研究其实行的人力资源绩效考核工作实施情况,对S公司绩效考核工作无法得到优化提升这个情况进行诊断,发现其绩效考核工作存在绩效考核办法不科学,绩效考核结果无法被反馈和应用,绩效考核体系不完善、员工和组织真实绩效水平无法体现等问题。针对存在的问题,经过分析推导,从设计绩效考核办法、完善绩效考核体系和提高员工和组织绩效水平三方面,对S房地产公司人力资源绩效考核工作进行优化提升。
[Abstract]:In modern society, people are the most precious resources of enterprises. In today's society, the competition between enterprises and enterprises is actually the competition between human resources of enterprises. It motivates employees by improving their performance, tapping their potential and making them more engaged in their work. At the same time, it enables the organization to continue to succeed. China's real estate market has become increasingly active since the reform and opening up, especially in the past 10 years. The huge profits in the real estate market have attracted a lot of companies, large and small, to enter. People are beginning to discover some strange phenomena: companies that produce household appliances start investing in real estate, companies that sell computers start to invest in real estate, Even companies engaged in agricultural products have begun to invest in real estate. Although since 2008, the state has started to crack down on house prices and has introduced a series of policies to limit the rapid growth of house prices, many companies are changing their operating strategies in a timely manner. Under the premise of adjusting the organizational structure of personnel and improving work efficiency, we still maintain a good level of profitability. Unfortunately, S Real Estate Company with a strong background in state-owned enterprises, no matter when the industry environment is good, Or in the industry environment is unsatisfactory, are not profitable. What restricts the development of S real estate companies? Taking the hotel project department staff of S real estate company as the diagnostic object, the author studies the implementation of the performance appraisal of human resources, and diagnoses the situation that the performance appraisal of S company can not be optimized and promoted. It is found that the performance appraisal methods are not scientific, the performance appraisal results can not be feedback and application, the performance appraisal system is not perfect, and the real performance level of employees and organizations can not be reflected. Through the analysis and deduction, this paper optimizes the performance appraisal of S real estate company from three aspects: designing the performance appraisal method, perfecting the performance appraisal system and improving the staff and organization performance level.


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