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发布时间:2018-03-21 19:33

  本文选题:住房市场 切入点:互动机理 出处:《南京工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着我国住房体制改革的深化,逐步建立起完善的房地产市场体系,城市住房体系建设的投资与规模不断扩大,我国广大城市居民的居住条件有了巨大的改善,人均住房面积从2002年的24.5m2增加到2012年的32.9m2。但同时我国住房市场也面临着商品房市场供求不平衡,高房价与收入的差距让普通民众望楼兴叹;保障房建设过程中出现了土地、资金等资源短缺,分配、退出、管理机制不完善带来的住房保障可持续发展问题。住房保障政策的出台和保障房的建设本应是平衡住房市场供需的有力杠杆和满足城镇低收入及中低收入家庭住房需求的工具,现实却成为政府公益性建设的沉重包袱。住房市场何以出现两类市场发展冰火两重天的矛盾现象;保障房供给和商品住房之间的相互影响的关系能否转为有效互动进而解决住房市场供需不平衡的矛盾;最终在协调发展中构建完善的住房市场环境使住房需求者有能力由市场解决住房需求问题。 因此,从发展经济和调节居民住房供需的角度,既要平稳发展商品住房市场,保证推动国民经济发展引擎的正常运作,又要扩大住房保障政策的惠及面让更多的城镇普通收入居民住有所居。住房市场中的保障房和商品住房就需要在一个互动影响关系下良性循环,将社会效用发挥到最大。 本文正是在这样的背景下,,首先对我国住房市场的发展历程进行了梳理,并对现阶段的住房供应结构分析后得出住房市场出现的问题,为下一步研究工作的目的指明了方向;接着用供需原理和格兰杰因果检验的方法发现长远来看商品住房与保障房存在住房过滤效应,而各类型保障房与商品住房的互动机理分别为:租赁型保障房对商品住房影响时间短且作用较小,产权型保障房同时影响供给和需求情况下通过实证表明对需求的影响高于供给,对调控商品住房市场具有积极作用。最后在互动关系研究的基础上以系统理论将保障房和商品住房市场视作两个系统探讨二者的耦合关系,并对二者的协调发展关系提出相关建议。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of housing system reform in China, a perfect real estate market system has been gradually established, and the investment and scale of urban housing system construction have been continuously expanded, and the living conditions of the vast number of urban residents in China have been greatly improved. The per capita housing area increased from 24.5m2 in 2002 to 32.9 m2 in 2012. However, at the same time, the housing market in China is also facing an imbalance between supply and demand in the commercial housing market. The gap between high house prices and income has made ordinary people look at buildings and lament. Land has appeared in the course of indemnificatory apartment's construction. Shortage of funds and other resources, allocation, withdrawal, The introduction of housing security policy and indemnificatory apartment's construction should be a powerful lever to balance the supply and demand of housing market and a tool to meet the housing needs of low-income and low-income families in cities and towns. But the reality becomes the heavy burden of the public welfare construction of the government. Why does the housing market appear the contradiction phenomenon of two kinds of market development ice and fire; Whether the relationship between indemnificatory apartment supply and commodity housing can be transformed into effective interaction and then solve the contradiction between supply and demand imbalance in housing market; Finally, to construct a perfect housing market environment in the coordinated development enables the housing demanders to solve the housing demand problem by the market. Therefore, from the point of view of developing the economy and regulating the supply and demand of housing for the residents, it is necessary to develop the commodity housing market smoothly and ensure the normal operation of the engine for the development of the national economy. In order to expand the benefits of housing security policy, more and more urban ordinary income residents live in the housing market. Indemnificatory apartment and commodity housing in the housing market need a virtuous circle under an interactive relationship to maximize social effectiveness. Under this background, this paper firstly combs the development course of our country's housing market, and points out the problems of housing market after analyzing the current housing supply structure, and points out the direction for the next research work. Then using the principle of supply and demand and Granger causality test, we find that in the long run, there is a housing filter effect between commodity housing and indemnificatory apartment. However, the interactive mechanism between indemnificatory apartment and commodity housing is as follows: the impact time of the rental indemnificatory apartment on the commodity housing is short and the effect is relatively small. In the case of both supply and demand affected by property right indemnificatory apartment, the empirical results show that the influence on demand is higher than that on supply. Finally, on the basis of the study of interaction, indemnificatory apartment and the commodity housing market are regarded as two systems to discuss the coupling relationship between indemnificatory apartment and commodity housing market. And put forward the related suggestion to the coordination development relation between them.


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