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发布时间:2018-03-24 00:03

  本文选题:房地产评估 切入点:特征价格模型 出处:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文以北京市普通商品房为房地产评估的研究对象,首先分析了房地产评估在国内外的发展过程以及相关概念,介绍了我国房地产评估行业通用的三种方法,着重介绍了房地产评估一贯使用的三种方法在实际操作过程中的不足,在研究中通过引入特征价格模型,以弥补传统方法的某些缺陷。 本文在收集大量北京市普通商品房的实际成交数据的基础上,通过阅览大量国内外有关特征价格评估的相关文献,结合北京市普通商品房自身的特点,并通过自己所做的问卷调查,找到影响北京市普通商品房的特征属性变量,为构建北京市普通商品房特征价格模型奠定了基础。 在特征价格模型中,模型的选取和模型的函数形式方程的选择有很大关系,我选用了最简单的线性函数。通过对笔者所做调查问卷的分析,选取了受市民认可的北京市商品房特征属性,并以收集到的北京市普通商品房交易数据为基础构建了北京市普通商品房特征价格模型,对该模型进行检测、完善最终得出了符合北京市商品房市场的特征方程,并用实际数据进行了检验,模型拟合的程度和市场符合度较高,说明将特征价格模型引入到房地产评估中是可以进行的。
[Abstract]:This paper takes ordinary commercial housing in Beijing as the research object of real estate evaluation. Firstly, it analyzes the development process and related concepts of real estate evaluation at home and abroad, and introduces three common methods of real estate evaluation industry in China. This paper mainly introduces the deficiency of the three methods used in the real estate evaluation in practice, and introduces the characteristic price model in the research to make up for some defects of the traditional methods. On the basis of collecting a large number of actual transaction data of ordinary commercial housing in Beijing, this paper reviews a large number of domestic and foreign literature on the evaluation of characteristic prices, and combines the characteristics of ordinary commercial housing in Beijing with its own characteristics. Through the questionnaire survey, we find the characteristic attribute variables that affect the ordinary commercial housing in Beijing, and lay the foundation for the construction of the characteristic price model of Beijing ordinary commercial housing. In the feature price model, the selection of the model is related to the choice of the functional form equation of the model. I have chosen the simplest linear function. This paper selects the characteristic attributes of commercial housing in Beijing, which is recognized by the public, and constructs the characteristic price model of Beijing ordinary commercial housing based on the collected transaction data of Beijing ordinary commercial housing, and tests the model. Finally, the characteristic equation which accords with Beijing commercial housing market is obtained, and tested with actual data. The degree of model fitting and market coincidence is high, which shows that it can be carried out by introducing the feature price model into real estate evaluation.


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