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发布时间:2018-03-24 18:49

  本文选题:广州 切入点:土地储备 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:城市土地储备制度的建设与发展是市场经济发展的客观需要,是地方政府提升公共服务水平的主观动力,是经营城市理念的萌芽与兴起、土地制度不断创新和市场经济体制不断深化改革等各种因素综合作用之下产生的。建立城市土地储备制度,开展土地储备,,是各城市政府实现城市发展规划目标的基础,土地储备让地方政府在促进城市有序发展,提高土地使用效率方面发挥巨大的作用;也有利于地方政府加强对土地市场的调节控制,抑制私人炒作土地,让土地市场运转得畅顺和理性;而且也能让土地出让制度变得更加科学完善,让腐败和“寻租”现象在土地出让过程中没有办法出现,以防国有资产流失现象的出现;有利于政府合理分配土地收益,保障公共服务设施资金,提升公共服务水平。 广州市作为全国改革开放的前沿阵地,比较早开始探索土地的市场化经营,在招商引资中形成了比较成熟和稳定的土地市场。经过多年的发展,广州市土地储备取得了一定的成绩,如:①推动了广州的现代化城市建设;②调整了产业结果,优化了城市布局;③促使房地产市场健康发展;④为民生项目建设筹集了资金。但在实际运作过程中,也存在着一些问题:①相关立法有待加强。②一级开发市场化程度不足。③融资规模小,渠道单一。④土地储备规模偏小等问题。 为减轻财政压力,广州市政府于2008年底成立了广州水投集团和广州城投集团等投融资主体,筹集市政建设资金。并将相关土地委托上述投融资主体储备、开发,探索“多个池子蓄水,一个口子出水”的土地储备模式,现结合水投集团开展白云湖周边地区土地储备的工作实践,对国内外土地储备研究进行梳理总结,对国内外土地储备模式进行分析对比,对广州市土地储备模式进行分析总结,提出广州市土地储备模式完善的意见建议。
[Abstract]:The construction and development of urban land reserve system is the objective need of the development of market economy, the subjective motive force of local government to improve the level of public service, and the sprout and rise of the concept of managing city. The establishment of urban land reserve system and the development of land reserve are the basis for the city governments to realize the goal of urban development planning, because of the combination of various factors, such as continuous innovation of land system and deepening reform of market economic system, etc. The land reserve allows the local government to play a huge role in promoting the orderly development of the city and improving the efficiency of land use. It also helps the local government to strengthen the regulation and control of the land market and curb the private speculation of the land. Let the land market run smoothly and rationally, but also make the land transfer system more scientific and perfect, let corruption and "rent-seeking" phenomenon in the process of land transfer, so as to prevent the appearance of the phenomenon of the loss of state-owned assets; It is beneficial to the government to allocate land income rationally, to protect the funds of public service facilities and to improve the level of public service. Guangzhou, as the front position of the national reform and opening up, began to explore the market-oriented management of land earlier, and formed a relatively mature and stable land market in the process of attracting investment. After years of development, Guangzhou has made certain achievements in land reserves. For example, 1: 1 has promoted the construction of modern cities in Guangzhou and readjusted the industrial results. Optimizing the layout of the city and promoting the healthy development of the real estate market raise funds for the construction of people's livelihood projects. But in the actual operation process, There are also some problems, such as: 1 related legislation needs to be strengthened. 2. The marketization of primary development is not enough. 3. The scale of financing is small, and the scale of land reserve of single channel. 4 is on the low side, and so on. In order to alleviate the financial pressure, the Guangzhou Municipal Government set up investment and financing entities such as Guangzhou Water Investment Group and Guangzhou City Investment Group at the end of 2008 to raise funds for municipal construction. This paper explores the land reserve model of "multiple ponds storing water and one outlet". Now combining with the practice of land reserve in the area around Baiyun Lake, the research on land reserve at home and abroad is summarized and sorted out by combining with the working practice of the Water Investment Group to carry out the land reserve around Baiyun Lake. This paper analyzes and compares the land reserve model at home and abroad, analyzes and summarizes the land reserve model in Guangzhou, and puts forward some suggestions on the perfection of land reserve model in Guangzhou.


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