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发布时间:2018-03-25 00:18

  本文选题:居住区 切入点:景观设计 出处:《福建农林大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着城市文明与人们生活水平的日益提高,人们对居住区环境建设提出了更高的要求。城市景观包括道路景观、公园景观、广场景观、商业街景观、居住区景观等,由于居住区空间是城市景观规划空间中所占比例最大的一部分,因此居住区景观设计显得尤为重要。铺装设计是居住区景观设计中的重要组成部分,铺装设计中的材料选择与应用也变得非常重要。经济的发展使得人们整体素质提高,对铺装的生态性、美观性等也提出了更高的要求。近几年,我国房地产行业的迅速发展,沿海一带城市的景观设计也开始逐见起色,使我国的铺装设计也得到一些进步。而我国铺装设计中选择与应用仍然存在不少问题,比如铺装设计中硬质铺装的应用太多,导致铺装的排水透气性不好,易造成热岛效应;国内没有自己的景观风格,从而导致铺装设计缺乏特色或风格不明确。由于近年来我国对民族性的事物越来越重视,人们的民族意识也越来越强,也推动了我国景观设计风格的形成,但还只是在极少数案例中有做到。 本文首先通过了解居住区地面铺装材料的这个主题的研究背景,并结合大量文献进行分析国内外铺装材料在园林中应用研究现状与存在问题,探讨了居住区常用的地面铺装材料种类和主要特征,结合分析居住区铺装的质感、色彩、构形、尺度等属性,提出了适用于我国居住区铺设设计的选材与应用的原则。并将兆基君城A地块的景观设计案例分为几个关键部分进行分析其选材与应用的情况,并提炼出案例中的选材与应用原则的优缺点。
[Abstract]:With the increasing improvement of urban civilization and people's living standard, people put forward higher requirements for the environmental construction of residential areas. Urban landscape includes road landscape, park landscape, square landscape, commercial street landscape, residential landscape, etc. As residential space is the largest proportion of urban landscape planning space, residential landscape design is particularly important. Pavement design is an important part of residential landscape design. Material selection and application in pavement design have also become very important. With the development of economy, the overall quality of people has been improved, and higher requirements have been put forward for the ecology and beauty of pavement. In recent years, the rapid development of real estate industry in China, The landscape design of coastal cities has also begun to improve gradually, which has made some progress in our country's pavement design. However, there are still many problems in the selection and application of our country's pavement design, for example, there are too many hard pavement applications in pavement design. It is easy to cause heat island effect because of poor draining permeability of pavement, and there is no own landscape style in our country, which leads to the lack of characteristics or unclear style of pavement design. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the national characteristics in our country. People's national consciousness is becoming stronger and stronger, which also promotes the formation of landscape design style in China, but only in a few cases. In this paper, first of all, through understanding the research background of the subject of residential ground surfacing materials, and combining with a large number of documents to analyze the domestic and foreign pavement materials in the landscape application research status and existing problems. This paper probes into the types and main characteristics of ground paving materials commonly used in residential areas, and analyzes the attributes of texture, color, configuration and scale of pavement in residential areas. The principles of material selection and application for paving design of residential areas in China are put forward. The landscape design cases of Block A of Zhaojijun City are divided into several key parts to analyze the selection and application of the materials and applications. The merits and demerits of the material selection and application principle in the case are also extracted.


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