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发布时间:2018-03-24 23:19

  本文选题:地下停车场 切入点:开发商所有规则 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The ownership dispute of underground parking lot in residential area has been increasing in recent years, although Article 74 of the Real right Law provides for the ownership of garage and parking space in residential area. The level and effectiveness of centralized ownership of parking spaces and garages in residential areas are clarified. However, there are some defects in this kind of principled stipulation, whether from the angle of legal theory or from the practical level. The first paragraph about "first meeting the needs of the owner" is too broad and principled, and it is easy to give rise to ambiguity of understanding. Also lack of maneuverability, judicial practice will bring the parties and judges understanding confusion. The second paragraph from the way ownership transfer provides that the ownership of the garage can be agreed by the parties. At present, in judicial practice, the main subjects of disputes are mainly real estate developers, property management companies and owners of commercial housing estates. The specific disputes focus on the purchase and sale of parking spaces, the use of parking spaces, fees and other issues, resulting in a series of problems to be solved. Therefore, in the judicial practice and practical operation, it is easy to produce ambiguity in the interpretation of Article 74 of the Real Rights Law. This paper adopts the methods of normative analysis, inductive analysis and case analysis, combined with the cases of different ownership disputes in underground parking lot, and applies the theories of the right to use the land for underground construction, the right of space, and so on. This paper expounds three different rules of ownership of underground parking lot in residential area. Combined with practical case analysis, the author summarizes the premises and basic conditions of the general rules of ownership of underground parking spaces owned by developers. The preconditions are as follows: first, developers have the right to use the land underground space; The second is to be included in the project construction plan and approved by the land, real estate and other relevant departments. There are also two basic conditions: first, developers in accordance with the above preconditions to invest in the construction of underground parking; Second, it can prove that the construction cost has not been apportioned to the owner. Secondly, combined with the practical case analysis, it summarizes the special rules of ownership ownership of underground parking space and its determination. The reasons for the special rules include that the construction cost of the underground garage has been evenly shared between the house price and the underground garage as an accessory to the building. Finally, An analysis is made of a special situation in our country-the special rules for the ownership of underground parking lots with civil air defense functions, Combined with judicial practice, the underground parking lot with civil air defense function in peacetime is based on the principle of "making the best use of things" and "who invests, who owns". The rules of partial ownership of use, management and profit right belong to the developer.


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