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发布时间:2018-03-25 05:22

  本文选题:房屋租赁 切入点:利益冲突 出处:《法律适用》2015年09期

[Abstract]:At present, against the background of the state's tight regulation and control of real estate transactions, the housing rental market is extremely active and the number of disputes is also rising by a large margin. Housing rental disputes occur frequently. The instability of the rental market is prominent. The contradiction between the rising rent and the housing demand of the low-income group is irreconcilable, the disputes caused by the group rent are common, the social harmony is facing the challenge. It has caused a severe test to social stability and comprehensive management. Therefore, the types of housing rental disputes are comprehensively analyzed, the causes of disputes are deeply analyzed, and the corresponding countermeasures are studied. It is of theoretical and practical significance. Based on the analysis of the basic trial situation of lease dispute cases in recent years, this paper takes different types of dispute subjects as the starting point, abstracts the basic types of conflicts of interest between them, from the government, the market, Based on the analysis of the fundamental cause of the conflict of interest between the subjects of the housing lease dispute, the author discusses the multidimensional ways of resolving the conflict of interest of the subject of the dispute, and tries to widen the judicial thinking and fill the legislative loophole. Innovating the social management and exploring the effective ways to resolve the conflicts of interest between the subjects of urban housing rental disputes.


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