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发布时间:2018-03-28 15:45

  本文选题:货币供应量 切入点:资产价格 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since there is a stable relationship between money supply and inflation, the central bank can adopt the inflation targeting system to maintain a relatively low price level by regulating the money supply. Providing a stable macroeconomic environment for economic development has become a consensus among economists. However, with the frequent outbreak of financial crises caused by asset price inflation since the 1980s, Whether asset prices should be incorporated into the traditional monetary policy objectives has become a concern for economists, because the stability of the general price level can no longer guarantee the smooth operation of the economy. The fluctuation of asset prices has also had a significant impact on social and economic life. Since the reform and opening up nearly 40 years ago, the coexistence of high money supply and moderate inflation has been a typical feature of China's macroeconomic operation. The departure of the relationship from the traditional trading equation is also referred to as the "mystery of Chinese currency". In view of the rapid development of financial market and real estate market in China in recent years, this paper chooses one of the theories-financial asset hoarding hypothesis. The theoretical hypothesis takes on the extended quantitative theory of money, both of which take the asset market into the framework of monetary policy analysis to explain the enigma of Chinese currency. And provides the basis for the monetary policy to pay attention to the inflation as well as the asset price. Based on the relevant theories and literature review, this paper sums up the theory of the relationship between money supply and asset price. On the basis of this, empirical analysis is made on the correlation between currency quantity and stock price and real estate price. The empirical results show that: M2 and Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, There is a long-term stable equilibrium relationship between Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and M 2 is the Granger cause of real estate price. Impulse response analysis also shows that M 2 has a significant positive effect on the average selling price of commercial housing in China. In addition, this paper further proves the theory of financial asset hoarding from the scale and structure of asset market, credit market and financial assets held by residents in China. That is, a large amount of money supply flows into the asset market, represented by the stock market and the real estate market, thus promoting the rise in asset prices. The excess money supply that has persisted in China for many years has not caused the price level to rise by a large margin. According to the above theoretical and empirical analysis, Finally, the paper puts forward the corresponding policy suggestions: monetary authorities should pay attention to asset prices, standardize the operation of capital market, and deepen the reform of financial system.


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