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发布时间:2018-03-30 02:35

  本文选题:项目成本控制 切入点:目标成本 出处:《中国海洋大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:This paper discusses the cost control of the high-grade high-rise residential building project in Tianyue Bay district and provides a reference for the cost control of the real estate construction project.It is also the application of cost control theory and method, which has good operability and practicability.In this paper, the background of the project construction is analyzed from the viewpoint of H construction group, based on the theory and summary of project cost management, with the methods of literature, field investigation and quantitative analysis, and the general situation of the project is introduced in detail.In this paper, the cost components of the project are analyzed, and the target cost of the project is estimated by using the project cost component and the WBS decomposition diagram, and the target cost is decomposed according to the engineering process.Then, based on the decomposition of the project objective cost and its components, the project cost control process and the cost control method are discussed from the project bidding stage, the project construction stage and the completion settlement stage by using the engineering value theory and earned value method.The problems in cost control of the project are put forward, and some suggestions are put forward.The main conclusions of this paper are as follows: (1) the target cost is calculated by using the target profit, and the target cost is decomposed according to the construction procedure and cost structure of the project, so that it becomes the budget cost in the calculation of earned value method.Find out whether the actual cost overruns are due to delays in progress or other reasons, and give corrective strategies to select subcontractors cooperating with construction units using the value engineering method to pay attention to the audit during the completion of the settlement process.By controlling the target profit within an interval, we can calculate the target cost interval, all kinds of cost (including direct material, direct labor, manufacturing cost), and the cost interval of each process.In order to enhance the flexibility of cost control.When allocating the cost assessment target, we can also set up a cost assessment interval to enhance the rationality of the cost assessment. 6) perfect the project cost control system, such as the cost control assessment system, the material storage problem, the safety problem and so on.The innovation of this paper lies in the application of value engineering theory, earned value method and target cost method to project cost control.It can provide a reference for the cost control of other similar construction projects. It sets an interval for the target cost and improves the flexibility of cost control.


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