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发布时间:2018-03-30 02:39

  本文选题:湖南三湘人才开发公司 切入点:发展战略 出处:《湖南大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:市场经济体制中的市场体系必须包括商品市场以及劳动力市场(人才市场)、资金市场、技术市场、信息市场、房地产市场等要素市场,这些功能不同的市场在相互关联、相互制约的关系中形成有机的整体,缺一不可。人才作为生产力中最活跃的要素,是一种特殊的商品,与其他生产要素一样,,人才的合理流动,既是社会化大生产的客观要求,也是社会生产关系发展的必然产物。随着国家经济增长方式转变,经济发展阶段变化,结构调整,改革开放进一步深化,我国人力资源服务业建设、起步晚,发展不成熟,理论体系相对滞后,各类人力资源服务机构属性与定位不明确,市场规则在人力资源服务体系中尚未充分发挥作用。入世后,服务保护期的逐渐消失,人力资源服务企业面临不同层面的矛盾,需要从战略的高度来重新配置资源,从体制、机制与经营不同层面上去创新、改变。由粗放型向集约型发展模式转变中,人力资源服务企业越来越需要战略管理。 全文首先介绍了选题背景、意义和战略管理理论发展的脉络,并整理了战略管理分析工具,并对总体研究方法与内容作出规划;然后对湖南三湘人才开发公司的现状,公司的历程,公司的发展中存的问题及原因进行初步的分析;利用PEST分析法对三湘人才开发公司所处人力资源服务业外部宏观环境进行了深入的分析,同时采用五力分析法对三湘人才开发公司的具体产业环境进行详细分析,找出企业外部的机会与威胁,再通过对公司内部环境分析,找出内部优势与劣势,并利用SOWT分析法进行综合分析;对三湘人才开发公司进行战略制定,主要通过内外部的分析,接合公司的资源能力,归纳总结出公司的愿景、使命、战略目标,公司层、业务层及职能战略;并对三湘人才开发服务有限公司的战略实施与控制进行初步规划,主要明确公司战略实施的重点与保障,如何对公司战略控制评估及追踪决策;最后是本文的结论。 人力资源服务企业将走向何处,这是所有人力资源产业企业都面临的问题,也是大家都在探讨的课题。对地人力资源服务企业的未来,不同的愿景和使命产生不同的战略期望与目标,决定不同的投资方向,组织结构与经营模式,导致不一样的效率与效果,这已成为行业内每家企业都要迫切面对的问题。本文的创新之处在于用战略的视角和全局的思考,使用系统的、科学的分析方法,从不同层面上给出解决方案,用长远和发展的眼光来审视未来的国际竞争,从理性思考找出发展机遇,在变化中求得企业的发展与壮大。
[Abstract]:The market system in the market economy system must include the commodity market as well as the labor market (talent market, capital market, technology market, information market, real estate market and so on).It is indispensable to form an organic whole in the relationship of mutual restriction.Talent, as the most active factor in productive forces, is a special commodity. Like other factors of production, the rational flow of talents is not only the objective requirement of socialized mass production, but also the inevitable outcome of the development of social relations of production.With the transformation of the national economic growth mode, the change of the stage of economic development, the structural adjustment, the further deepening of the reform and opening up, the construction of the human resources service industry in China has started late, developed immature, and the theoretical system has lagged behind.The attribute and orientation of all kinds of human resources service institutions are not clear, and the market rules have not played a full role in the human resources service system.With the gradual disappearance of service protection period after China's entry into WTO, human resource service enterprises are faced with contradictions at different levels. They need to reallocate resources from a strategic perspective and innovate and change from different levels of system, mechanism and management.In the transition from extensive to intensive development mode, human resource service enterprises need more and more strategic management.This paper first introduces the background, significance and the development of strategic management theory, and arranges the tools of strategic management analysis, and plans the overall research methods and contents, and then gives the current situation of Hunan Sanxiang Talent Development Company.The course of the company, the problems existing in the development of the company and the reasons are analyzed preliminarily, and the external macro environment of the human resources service industry of Sanxiang Talent Development Company is deeply analyzed by using the PEST analysis method.At the same time, it analyzes the specific industrial environment of Sanxiang Talent Development Company in detail, finds out the external opportunities and threats, and finds out the internal advantages and disadvantages through the analysis of the internal environment of the company.And the use of SOWT analysis for comprehensive analysis; Sanxiang talent development company for strategic formulation, mainly through internal and external analysis, combined with the company's resource capacity, summed up the company's vision, mission, strategic objectives, corporate level,The business level and function strategy, and the preliminary planning of the strategy implementation and control of Sanxiang Talent Development Service Co., Ltd., which mainly define the emphasis and guarantee of the company's strategy implementation, how to evaluate the company's strategic control and follow up the decision;Finally, the conclusion of this paper is given.Where the human resources service enterprises will go, this is the problem that all the human resources industry enterprises are facing, is also the topic that everybody is discussing.For the future of local human resources service enterprises, different visions and missions produce different strategic expectations and objectives, determine different investment directions, organizational structure and business model, resulting in different efficiency and effect.This has become an urgent problem for every enterprise in the industry.The innovation of this paper lies in the use of strategic perspective and global thinking, the use of systematic and scientific analytical methods, the solution from different levels, and the long-term and developmental perspective to examine the future international competition.Find out the development opportunity from the rational thinking, and seek the development and growth of the enterprise in the change.


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