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发布时间:2018-03-30 15:07

  本文选题:小产权房 切入点:小产权房流转 出处:《中南大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The small property right house appears in the real estate market with the low price, has caused the widespread concern.Recently, a lot of local courts' judgment on the invalidation of the contract of purchase and sale of small property houses has once again made small property houses a hot issue.The current law has no explicit stipulation to the small property right room, belongs to the law blank part, our country policy stipulates that the small property right house does not allow to register and does not receive the legal protection.However, due to the imperfection of the dual system of urban and rural land and the absence of the system of free circulation of rural construction land,The local courts of our country are caught in a dilemma in the judicial practice of handling the cases of the circulation of small property right houses: it is necessary not only to consider the conformity of judicial guidance with national policies, but also to take into account the civil law principle of good faith in sale and purchase contracts, and to maintain the public order and good customs in the society.The process of buying and selling houses with small property rights involves urban residents, rural residents' villages, rural collective organizations, the state, etc. The purchase and sale of small property houses is more beneficial than harmful to the parties concerned, so it is not appropriate to consider the contract for the sale of small property houses to be null and void.Instead, we should classify the small property house and discuss the legal solution of the small property house according to the current situation of our country and the latest national policy.The small property house is not only a legal problem, but also a social problem. It shows the defects of the present land system, and makes the small property house face a huge dilemma in theory and practice and the legitimacy and rationality of its existence.In this paper, through the basic nature of the small property house, the causes, the legal crux and analysis of the small property house in the circulation, combined with the relevant policies to solve the problem of the small property house, from the legislative, judicial,Some suggestions on how to improve the protection of the interests of both sides in the circulation of small property houses are put forward in the aspect of administration and legal supervision in order to play a little role in the proper solution of the problem of small property houses.


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