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发布时间:2018-03-30 19:52

  本文选题:住宅租金 切入点:空间分异 出处:《云南财经大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:通过几十年的发展,昆明市房地产住宅市场已经成为了成熟的市场。房地产住宅市场包括了住宅销售市场与住宅租赁市场,与住宅销售市场相比,住宅租赁市场发展较晚,发展到现在仍存在较多问题待解决。这些问题的出现引起了社会的关注,问题主要有市场管理不当、法律法规不完善、租金定价混乱等。房租与房价一样,与地理区位有着密切的联系,由于区位因素在空间分布上的不均衡,使得房租在空间上呈现差异性特征,这就导致租金的确定有较多影响因素。为了解决租金定价难这一问题,帮助住建部门更好的管理租金,本文运用ArcGIS软件中的地统计模块,对昆明市住宅租金进行空间分析、建立空间模型,同时探索着把特征价格理论应用于昆明市的住宅租赁市场,并结合具体城市构建特征价格模型研究住宅租金的空间分异,,主要工作及结论如下: 研究了住宅价格空间分异理论与特征价格模型,在理论研究的基础上以昆市主城区包括了五华区、盘龙区、西山区、官渡区等4个行政区的研究区域内的住宅租赁市场为研究对象进行了实证研究。运用地理信息系统中的空间插值技术(Krigring插值法),得到了昆明市住宅租金等值线图,发现昆明市住宅租金分布呈典型的扇形分布模式。租金以翠湖为中心向四周不规律的降低,在北市区、滇池旅游度假区、佴家湾与高新区出现了租金的次中心,盘龙江对租金影响显著。通过聚类分析按照租金的高低把楼盘分为了五个等级,发现低租金的楼盘主要分布在城市的外缘区域,高租金楼盘主要分布在城市中心。 并以昆明市主城区为研究区域,选择了12个住宅特征作为模型的自变量,对研究区内的486个有效样本进行了特征价格模型分析,得出了影响租金的特征因素,并按照行政区划分了子市场,进一步分析得出住宅租金的影响因素,得出了区位因素、建筑因素与邻里因素是影响住宅租金的重要因素。
[Abstract]:Through decades of development, the real estate housing market in Kunming has become a mature market. The real estate housing market includes the residential sales market and the residential rental market. Compared with the residential sales market, the residential rental market develops relatively late. Up to now, there are still many problems to be solved. The emergence of these problems has aroused the attention of the society. The main problems are improper market management, imperfect laws and regulations, confusion in rent pricing, etc. Rent is the same as house prices. There is a close relationship with geographical location. Because of the imbalance of location factors in spatial distribution, the rent is different in space, which leads to a lot of factors affecting the determination of rent. In order to solve the problem of difficult rent pricing, In this paper, we use the geostatistics module in ArcGIS software to analyze the housing rent in Kunming, and establish a spatial model. At the same time, we explore the application of the characteristic price theory to the residential rental market in Kunming. Based on the characteristic price model of specific cities, this paper studies the spatial differentiation of residential rent. The main work and conclusions are as follows:. This paper studies the spatial differentiation theory and the characteristic price model of housing price. On the basis of the theoretical research, the main urban area of Kunming includes Wuhua District, Panlong District, and Xishan District. The residential rental market in Guandu District and other administrative regions is studied as an empirical study object. By using the spatial interpolation technique in GIS, the contour map of housing rent in Kunming is obtained, which is based on the Krigring interpolation method. It is found that the rent distribution of residential buildings in Kunming is a typical sector pattern. The rent decreases irregularly in the center of Cuihu Lake. In the north urban area, Dianchi tourist Resort Zone, Yangjiawan and Hi-Tech Zone, there are sub-centers of rent in Yangjiawan and Hi-tech Zone. Panlongjiang has a significant impact on rent. According to the cluster analysis, the real estate is divided into five grades according to the level of rent. It is found that the low-rent buildings are mainly distributed in the outer edge of the city, and the high-rent buildings are mainly distributed in the center of the city. Taking the main urban area of Kunming as the study area, 12 residential features are selected as independent variables of the model, 486 effective samples in the study area are analyzed with the feature price model, and the characteristic factors affecting the rent are obtained. The sub-market is divided according to the administrative region, and the influence factors of housing rent are further analyzed, and the location factor, the building factor and the neighborhood factor are the important factors that affect the housing rent.


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