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发布时间:2018-03-31 10:36

  本文选题:既有居住区 切入点:功能性 出处:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The residential area is the carrier of the material and spiritual life of the social citizens, the product of the times and the core of the urban development. With the rapid development of the economy of Zhengzhou, it is promoting the rapid progress of the social urbanization. The integration of Zheng Kai and the proposal and development of Zheng Dong's new district have pushed Zhengzhou to a new height, coupled with the rise of the real estate market, which has made a large number of real estate expand rapidly in Zhengzhou. Residents' residential areas have been expanded unprecedented in terms of their stock. Looking back at the old urban areas of Zhengzhou, both residential areas and large groups are also living. No matter in the residential area itself or the residential area environment and other residential functional issues can no longer adapt to the standard of social life, The decline of the living quality and the improvement of the living standard of the residents form a huge contrast. Because of the impact of a large number of reconstruction on the urban economy and culture, the process of realization is longer and more difficult. It is difficult to solve the problems of existing residential areas in Zhengzhou. Residents are the source of urban development. Residential area is an important part of the city. The improvement of the functional problem of the existing residential district is an important link to improve the living standard of human settlements. The first chapter mainly describes the research background, the definition of the scope, the purpose and the significance of the study, which has a substantial solution to the quality of life of the residents of the existing residential areas, and also plays a full role in the development of the city. The first chapter mainly describes the research background, the definition of the research scope, the purpose and significance of the research. At the same time, the research methods are expounded and summarized, and the whole idea of the full text is described in the frame. Second chapter, aiming at the development of existing residential areas at home and abroad, the functional upgrading of the related theory status quo of the research is combed. Summing up the existing research and development situation at home and abroad, and carrying on the case analysis to its representative works of updating and upgrading, summarizing the existing ways and methods of functional upgrading in residential area. First of all, it explains the overall situation of urban development and the distribution of existing residential areas in Zhengzhou, summarizes the development of residential areas in Zhengzhou, and gives examples of its representative works. Secondly, This paper classifies and combs the forms and functional problems of the existing residential areas in Zhengzhou. Through the investigation and analysis of the existing residential areas in Zhengzhou, it analyzes the different characteristics and types of the existing residential areas in Zhengzhou. To understand the essence of urban residential buildings, summarize and summarize the existing residential areas in urgent need of practical problems. Chapter IV, with the existing residential areas of the status quo and promotion of the significance as a breakthrough point, This paper studies the changes in the functional development trend of the existing residential areas, integrates the methods of upgrading the functional residential areas, mainly in the functional upgrading of the existing residential areas in Zhengzhou, from the functional adaptability, traffic, security, aesthetics, Public service and other aspects of the analysis, study of its corresponding necessary measures to upgrade the existing residential areas for rapid, environmental protection, harmonious material upgrading chapter 5), the existing residential areas functional upgrading and development trend, By grasping the design method and looking forward to the ways and means of improving the function of the existing residential areas in the future, the purpose of this paper is to provide the urban residential areas suitable for living, diversification and comfort for the people.


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