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发布时间:2018-03-31 12:53

  本文选题:资本支出 切入点:价格因素 出处:《银行家》2017年10期

[Abstract]:The positive cycle of the illusion from the growth of China shows that the growth of real quantity is not big , after the price factor adjustment , the capital expenditure growth of Chinese enterprise complement inventory and production capacity does not have much fluctuation , compared with 2016 , and even declines , but the price change is very significant . The view is that the Chinese economy is standing on the starting point of the new cycle , but there is no big change from the logic of maintaining the stability of the demand side . The real estate is the " mother of the cycle " of China , and the essence of starting the property market is guarantee

【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院经济研究所;天风证券;


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