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发布时间:2018-04-02 17:54

  本文选题:不动产 切入点:登记 出处:《华东政法大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:《中华人民共和国物权法》第10条规定:国家对不动产实行统一登记制度。并规定统一登记的操作办法由法律、行政法规规定。从理论角度观察,登记是不动产物权变动的公示手段,也是不动产登记制度的主要价值。从实践角度观察,,房地产登记制度可以使当事人及第三人了解房地产的权属状况,保护房地产交易的安全,维护系统交易秩序。同时,健全不动产登记制度、建立不动产统一登记制度也可以是政府有效调控房地产市场的重要前提,是国务院机构改革和职能转变的重要内容,也是推进简政放权、解决多头管理带来的弊端、实现统一管理的重要举措,对于保护权利人财产权,提高政府依法执政水平具有重要意义。 我国在不动产登记制度的实施过程中暴露了许多问题,表现为:登记机关多头管理、登记模式混乱、登记的效力模糊、登记赔偿及保险制度不完善、登记行为合法性审查标准不明确等等。这一系列的问题使得不动产登记制度的完善迫在眉睫。2013年3月出台了《国务院机构改革和职能转变方案》,其重要目标之一就是要建立不动产统一登记制度,并提出要在2014年6月底前出台《不动产登记条例》。为此,国土资源部牵头起草了《不动产登记条例(草案送审稿)》,国务院法制办公室以此稿为基础,征求了有关方面的意见,形成了《不动产登记暂行条例(征求意见稿)》,并于当年8月15日将征求意见稿全文公布,公开征求意见。征求意见稿贯彻了登记机构、登记簿册、登记依据和信息平台四统一精神,确立了整合职责、物权稳定、方便群众和严格管理的基本原则。征求意见稿主要内容围绕登记机构、登记簿册、登记程序以及关于登记信息共享与保护四个方面进行规范。 从比较法视角观察,日本、德国等国不动产登记制度的立法相对比较完善,是研究借鉴不动产登记制度较好的参考范本。本文将对日本、德国不动产登记制度比较有特色的部分进行阐述和探究,旨在对我国不动产登记制度的完善提出些许建议。 第一章主要是概括不动产登记制度概念、类型等,对不动产登记制度这一基本法律制度进行概括描述,在此基础上,对我国不动产登记制度的现状、历史沿革、存在问题、发展趋势以及立法等进行阐述和分析。 第二章主要是从比较法的视角分析日本、德国不动产登记制度的比较有特色的规定,在分析比较的基础上提出我国不动产登记制度可以借鉴的部分,并对此种借鉴进行理论上的分析,以期能够提出借鉴的理论依据。 第三章主要是对我国刚刚公布的《不动产登记暂行条例(征求意见稿)》进行评析,在评论分析的基础上提出征求意见稿存在的问题并提出及修改建议,希望为立法进一步完善提供些许参考意见。
[Abstract]:Article 10 of the property Law of the people's Republic of China stipulates that the state shall implement a unified registration system for immovable property.The operation method of unified registration shall be prescribed by laws and administrative regulations.From the theoretical point of view, registration is the public means of real estate property change, and also the main value of real estate registration system.From the practical point of view, the real estate registration system can make the parties and the third party understand the status of real estate ownership, protect the security of real estate transactions, and maintain the system transaction order.At the same time, perfecting the real estate registration system and establishing a unified real estate registration system can also be an important prerequisite for the government to effectively regulate the real estate market, an important content of the State Council's institutional reform and functional transformation, and also an important part of promoting the decentralization of power from government to government.It is of great significance to solve the malpractice brought by multi-head management and realize the important measure of unified management for protecting the property rights of the obligee and improving the level of the government ruling according to law.In the course of the implementation of the real estate registration system, many problems have been exposed in our country, such as: the multi-head management of the registration authority, the confusion of the registration mode, the vagueness of the effectiveness of the registration, the imperfection of the registration compensation and insurance system.The standard of legality examination of registration act is not clear and so on.This series of problems make the perfection of the real estate registration system urgent. In March 2013, the State Council Program for Institutional Reform and functional Transformation was issued. One of its important objectives is to establish a unified registration system for real estate.And proposed to be issued by the end of June 2014, Real Estate Registration regulations.To this end, the Ministry of Land and Resources took the lead in drafting the regulations on Registration of Real Estate (draft draft for Review), on which the legal Affairs Office of the State Council sought the views of relevant parties.Provisional regulations on Registration of Real Estate (draft for solicitation of opinions) were formed, and the full text of the draft of soliciting opinions was published on August 15 of that year for public consultation.The draft of soliciting opinions has carried out the spirit of registration organization, register book, registration basis and information platform, established the basic principles of conformity duty, property right stability, convenience to the masses and strict management.The main contents of the draft for solicitation of opinions are centered on four aspects: registration organization, register register, registration procedure and the sharing and protection of registration information.From the perspective of comparative law, the legislation of real estate registration system in Japan, Germany and other countries is relatively perfect, which is a good reference model for studying and drawing lessons from real estate registration system.This paper will expound and explore the characteristic parts of the real estate registration system in Japan and Germany in order to put forward some suggestions for the perfection of the real estate registration system in our country.The first chapter is to summarize the concept and types of real estate registration system, to describe the basic legal system of real estate registration system, on the basis of which, the current situation, historical evolution and existing problems of real estate registration system in China are discussed.The development trend and legislation are expounded and analyzed.The second chapter is mainly from the perspective of comparative law to analyze the Japanese and German real estate registration system has the characteristics of the provisions, on the basis of analysis and comparison of the real estate registration system in China can be used for reference.And this kind of reference carries on the theoretical analysis in order to be able to put forward the theoretical basis for reference.The third chapter mainly analyzes the interim regulations on Registration of Real Estate (draft for opinions), which has just been published in China. Based on the analysis of the comments, it puts forward the problems existing in the draft of solicitation of opinions and puts forward some suggestions to amend them.I hope to provide some reference for the further improvement of legislation.


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