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发布时间:2018-04-02 18:47

  本文选题:海外资产 切入点:个人投资者 出处:《中国外汇》2016年20期

[Abstract]:Under the condition of lack of understanding and information asymmetry of overseas financial market, it is not advisable for individual investors in China to pursue high returns blindly and blindly follow overseas asset allocation.In the past two years, on the one hand, the real estate market of the domestic economy in the new normal has gone down to inventory, the "baby" type of funds and bank finances have fallen; on the other hand,As the renminbi joins the SDR and A shares prepare to join the international process such as the MSCI index, the Chinese market is more closely linked to the global market.Faced with this situation, many individual investors have turned their eyes to overseas assets allocation, such as overseas assets, such as US stocks, Hong Kong insurance and so on.


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