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发布时间:2018-04-02 20:43

  本文选题:个人住房按揭贷款 切入点:逾期风险 出处:《电子科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:自1998年我国进行住房体制改革以来,我国的房地产市场得到了快速的发展。我国的个人住房抵押贷款业务为房地产市场的发展和国民经济的发展提供了巨大的金融支持。随着个人住房贷款业务的高速发展,个人住房贷款的违约风险也在日益增加。我国许多商业银行的不良贷款比明显高于美国、我国香港等发达国家或地区水平,并且我国商业银行的这一比例还有继续增加的趋势。幸运的是我国大部分商业银行都已经认识到加强个人住房贷款逾期风险管理的重要性,学术界也非常重视这个问题。但是,,目前国内对个人住房贷款逾期风险进行的研究还比较匮乏。基于以上背景,本文以XX银行成都分行的个人住房贷款逾期风险为主要研究对象,分析现阶段XX银行成都分行的个人住房贷款逾期风险的主要影响因素,并为其在个人住房贷款逾期管理方面提供理论支持。 随着商业银行的住房按揭贷款业务总量的迅速增加,住房按揭贷款逾期风险已成为商业银行在住房按揭贷款管理中经常遇到的重要信用风险之一。本文在回顾国内外有关住房按揭贷款逾期风险研究的理论基础上,以防范和控制XX银行成都分行个人住房贷款信用风险为研究对象,以XX银行成都分行战略转型为背景,利用金融学上信用风险的相关的金融理论,结合对我国个人住房信贷信用风险的分析,揭示出XX银行成都分行进入新的发展阶段个人住房信用风险控制政策出台的重要性和迫切性,同时对问题进行分析并提出相应的对策。 本论文在绪论部分详细阐明了论文选题背景、研究意义以及相关研究思路、方法;第二章主要概述了商业银行的个人住房贷款业务逾期风险的相关理论和研究现状;第三章主要介绍了XX银行成都分行的个人住房贷款业务的经营现状,分析了XX银行成都分行个人住房贷款业务的逾期风险的原因;第四章是在前几部分分析的基础上,提出了加强住房按揭贷款逾期风险预警管理的对策建议;最后一部分是研究结论和展望。
[Abstract]:Since the reform of housing system in 1998, the real estate market of our country has been developing rapidly.The personal housing mortgage loan in China provides huge financial support for the development of the real estate market and the development of the national economy.With the rapid development of personal housing loan business, the default risk of personal housing loan is increasing day by day.The ratio of non-performing loans of many commercial banks in China is obviously higher than that of the United States, Hong Kong and other developed countries or regions, and the proportion of commercial banks in China is still increasing.Fortunately, most commercial banks in our country have realized the importance of strengthening the risk management of personal housing loan overdue, and the academic circles have also attached great importance to this problem.However, at present, the domestic research on the risk of personal housing loan overdue is still relatively scarce.Based on the above background, this paper takes the overdue risk of personal housing loan in Chengdu Branch of XX Bank as the main research object, and analyzes the main influencing factors of the overdue risk of personal housing loan in Chengdu Branch of XX Bank at this stage.It also provides theoretical support for the overdue management of personal housing loans.With the rapid increase of the total amount of housing mortgage loan in commercial banks, the overdue risk of housing mortgage loan has become one of the important credit risks often encountered by commercial banks in the management of housing mortgage loans.On the basis of reviewing the domestic and foreign research on the overdue risk of housing mortgage loan, this paper takes the prevention and control of the credit risk of individual housing loan in Chengdu Branch of XX Bank as the research object, and takes the strategic transformation of Chengdu Branch of XX Bank as the background.Using the relevant financial theory of credit risk in finance, combining with the analysis of credit risk of individual housing in our country,This paper reveals the importance and urgency of the personal housing credit risk control policy in Chengdu Branch of XX Bank at the new stage of development. At the same time, it analyzes the problems and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.In the introduction part, the thesis expounds the background, significance, research ideas and methods of the thesis in detail. The second chapter mainly summarizes the relevant theories and research status of the overdue risk of personal housing loan business of commercial banks.The third chapter mainly introduces the current situation of the personal housing loan business of Chengdu Branch of XX Bank, and analyzes the reasons for the overdue risk of the personal housing loan business of Chengdu Branch of XX Bank.The countermeasures and suggestions to strengthen the early warning management of housing mortgage overdue risk are put forward, and the last part is the conclusion and prospect of the research.


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