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发布时间:2018-04-04 02:30

  本文选题:小额贷款公司 切入点:贷款风险 出处:《重庆理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:小额贷款公司作为民间资本进入金融业的一种组织形式,最近几年得到了快速发展。但是,随着国家对房地产等行业的调控和国家宏观经济增长的放缓,小贷行业的风险也在不断聚集,政策风险、经营风险、操作风险都出现了不同程度的增加。因此,对小贷公司贷款风险进行分析与研究,有效识别和应对贷款风险,提高小贷公司可持续发展能力,充分发挥小贷行业对经济建设的作用,,尤显迫切。 本文采取文献研究法、实地调研法和案例分析法等研究方法,以MD小贷公司为例,分析和研究了如何构建有效的小贷公司贷款风险管理体系的问题。全文分为七个部分:第一部分为绪论,主要介绍了研究的背景、目的及研究现状;第二部分为贷款风险管理概念界定、理论基础与相关制度;第三部分剖析了MD小贷公司贷款风险管理存在的主要问题及基本原因;第四部分为MD小贷公司贷款风险管理的框架设计,主要包括贷款风险管理的顶层设计、指导思想及保障措施;第五部分对MD小贷公司贷款全过程的风险识别与应对进行了优化研究,提出了贷款风险识别双视角和贷款风险三维描述的新思路与新方法;第六部分为FH公司案例分析;第七部分为结束语。 本文创新之处在于:从信息、还款来源双视角识别贷款风险,分总体和个别贷款两个方面对贷后贷款风险进行了描述;同时,采取确立贷款风险管理指导思想、强化贷款风险源头控制、完善贷款风险管理保障措施以及提高特定贷款项目风险管理能力的四个层次风险应对措施来不断降低贷款风险。本文对其他小贷公司构建有效的贷款风险管理体系有参考价值。
[Abstract]:A form of small loan companies as private capital into the financial sector, in recent years has been rapid development. However, with the macro economic growth state regulation of the real estate industry and the national slowdown risk of small loan industry is constantly gathering, policy risk, operational risk, operational risk has increased different degree. Therefore, analysis and Research on the small loan company loan risk and loan effectively identify and respond to risk, improve the ability of the sustainable development of small loan companies, give full play to the role of the small loan industry on economic construction, is particularly urgent.
This paper adopts literature research method, research method, field research method and case analysis method, using MD small loan company as an example, analysis and Research on how to build the credit risk management system of small loan companies effective problem. This paper is divided into seven parts: the first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the research background, objective situation and research; the second part is the concept and definition of credit risk management, system related theoretical basis; the third part analyzes the main problems of MD small loan company loan risk management and the basic reason; the fourth part is the framework design of MD small loan company loan risk management, including the top-level design of loan risk management, guiding ideology and security measures; risk identification and response to the fifth part of the whole process of MD small loan company loan was studied. The loan risk and loan risk recognition of double angle 3D scanning The new ideas and methods are described; the sixth part is the case analysis of FH company; the seventh part is the concluding language.
The innovations of this paper are: from the information source of repayment, double perspective to identify the risk of loans, two aspects of general and individual loan loan loan risk is described; at the same time, to establish risk management guideline loans, strengthen the loan risk control from the source, improve the safeguard measures of credit risk management and improve the ability of risk management of specific loan project four levels of risk response measures to reduce the risk of loans. This paper has the reference value to the credit risk management system of effective construction of other small loan companies.



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