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发布时间:2018-04-04 20:00

  本文选题:房地产项目 切入点:风险分析 出处:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着我国经济的迅速发展、农村城镇化的速度逐年加快,房地产行业也进入了一个新的发展阶段。房地产是一个高风险的行业,但是目前国内对房地产风险管理的研究还不够深入。针对这种情况,本文结合风险管理理论与房地产实际案例,从项目风险管理流程出发,对A市碧水云天房地产项目进行了分析与研究。 西方发达国家的房地产投资风险研究在理论和实际应用上都已达到较高水平,本文的理论基础充分借鉴了西方风险研究成果。本文首先简要介绍了房地产开发项目风险管理理论和方法,项目管理的流程通常包括:风险识别、风险评估、风险应对与监控,定量和定性方法是常用的风险识别方法;房地产投资数额大、投资周期长、变现能力差的特性决定了房地产是一个高风险的行业,投资过程存在潜在风险。然后分析了A市房地产的整体状况和碧水云天项目的特点;最后以碧水云天项目为例,从风险管理的流程出发对项目进行了风险分析,运用风险识别技术,对项目各个阶段进行风险识别、评估,系统地总结了该项目的风险,归纳了各个阶段的风险应对措施,,建立了一套适合碧水云天项目的风险管理体系,以期能够帮助投资商进行风险管理。碧水云天项目的风险管理实践最终证明了这套管理方法能够较为妥善地识别和应对各种风险。针对碧水云天项目风险管理的研究,旨在提供一种理解分析问题的思路和基本的方法,提高房地产开发企业对风险控制的认识,增强房地产开发企业风险识别、风险评估和风险应对能力,提高项目的抗风险能力;在确保项目获得成功的同时为更深入的房地产风险研究起到基础性作用。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, the speed of rural urbanization is accelerating year by year, and the real estate industry has entered a new stage of development.Real estate is a high-risk industry, but the domestic research on real estate risk management is not deep enough.Based on the risk management theory and the real estate case, this paper analyzes and studies the real estate project in A city, which is based on the project risk management process.The research on real estate investment risk in western developed countries has reached a high level both in theory and in practice.Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the theory and method of risk management in real estate development projects. The process of project management usually includes: risk identification, risk assessment, risk response and monitoring, quantitative and qualitative methods are commonly used risk identification methods;The characteristics of large amount of real estate investment, long investment cycle and poor liquidity determine that real estate is a high-risk industry, and there are potential risks in the investment process.Then it analyzes the overall situation of real estate in A city and the characteristics of the green water cloud sky project. Finally, taking the clear water cloud sky project as an example, the paper analyzes the risk of the project from the process of risk management, and applies the risk identification technology.The risk identification and evaluation of each stage of the project are carried out, the risk of the project is systematically summarized, the risk response measures of each stage are summarized, and a set of risk management system suitable for the project is established.In order to help investors to carry out risk management.The risk management practice of Bishui Yuntian Project finally proves that this management method can identify and deal with all kinds of risks properly.In view of the research on risk management of the Bishui Yuntian Project, the purpose of this paper is to provide a way to understand and analyze the problems, to improve the understanding of risk control in real estate development enterprises, and to enhance the risk identification of real estate development enterprises.Risk assessment and risk response ability to improve the project's ability to resist risks; ensure the success of the project at the same time for a deeper study of real estate risk play a fundamental role.


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