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发布时间:2018-04-05 18:28

  本文选题:生产排程 切入点:约束理论 出处:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着房地产行业的迅猛发展,中国的电梯行业已经进入了高速发展时期。制造业日新月异地变化,,适合企业的生产计划与控制水平的生产排产可以帮助企业在有效满足客户需求的同时提高生产的效率,降低生产成本。生产排程作为生产运作管理的基本问题,其改进和优化在目前的生产管理中就显得非常重要。 本文主要研究的目的是通过生产排产知识、约束理论以及现场管理等知识相结合,在排产前先找到瓶颈工序,设定系统的缓冲,然后优先确定瓶颈工序排程计划,再确定非瓶颈工序的排产计划,优化公司原有排程方案。根据瓶颈资源上的生产计划来控制物料的投入,及时调整各个工序,提高生产率。优化公司的原排程方法,使公司的计划排程方案更具有合理性、科学性、可操作性。将复杂过程简单化,考虑到公司的生产情况、生产能力、产品工艺、产品特点。根据公司实际情况以及生产需求优化生产排程计划的,作为工人生产的风向标与指挥棒。在提高生产效率、维持生产秩序等方面发挥能动性,比较准确地测定公司的工作效率,确保资源最大化利用。通过过程控制,理论联系实际,能够切实、有效地解决公司现在存在排程的问题。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of the real estate industry, China's elevator industry has entered a period of rapid development.The manufacturing industry is changing with each passing day, and the production scheduling which is suitable for the production planning and control level of the enterprise can help the enterprise to improve the efficiency of production and reduce the production cost while meeting the needs of customers effectively.As the basic problem of production operation management, the improvement and optimization of production scheduling is very important in current production management.The main purpose of this paper is to combine the knowledge of production scheduling, constraint theory and field management, to find the bottleneck process in the pre-production process, to set the buffer of the system, and then to determine the scheduling plan of the bottleneck process first.Then determine the non-bottleneck process scheduling plan, optimize the original scheduling plan.Control the input of material according to the production plan of bottleneck resource, adjust each process in time and improve productivity.Optimize the original scheduling method of the company, and make the planning plan more reasonable, scientific and operable.Simplify the complex process, taking into account the company's production situation, production capacity, product process, product characteristics.According to the actual situation and production requirements of the company to optimize the production scheduling, as a worker production of wind vane and baton.It can improve production efficiency, maintain production order and so on. It can accurately measure the company's working efficiency and ensure the maximum utilization of resources.Through process control, theory and practice, can effectively solve the company's current scheduling problem.


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