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发布时间:2018-04-06 05:19

  本文选题:企业集团 切入点:母子公司 出处:《石河子大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:在西部大开发和西向开放的大背景下,新疆基础设施建设已密集开工,对疆内水泥龙头企业形成了短期和中长期的双重利好,使新疆水泥产业迎来跨越性发展机遇期。水泥是新疆建材工业的主导产业,工业总产值占建材工业的35%,截至2010年底,全区共有水泥企业88家,总资产221亿元,拥有各类水泥生产线119条,生产能力3500万吨。Ng建材集团是以水泥为主导,集煤、电、化工、运输、塑料制品、矿业能源开发、商品混凝土、新型建材、机电安装、基建、铸造、房地产开发、国际贸易物流等多种产业为一体的兵团企业集团,为新疆生产建设兵团建材龙头企业,总资产超过23亿元,水泥产能位列新疆前三甲,水泥企业均为其下属子公司,主要分布在伊犁、博乐、塔城、阿勒泰、奎屯和哈密地区。Ng建材集团从以前的小型企业已跨进大型企业集团行列,以前的管控模式已逐渐不能适应集团的发展,对控股子公司的管控已暴露出很多问题,面临即将到来的行业竞争,Ng建材集团有必要对控股子公司的管控模式进行优化研究。对兵团企业集团母子公司管理控制的模式、手段进行研究,,探讨母子公司管理控制模式的优化对策具有理论和实践意义。 本文基于陈志军的母子公司管控模式理论,综合运用文献研究法、比较研究法、案例分析法等研究方法,对Ng集团母子公司管控模式现状和公司治理现状进行了分析,得出集团在管控模式、管控手段、母子公司治理等方面存在问题。 经过分析本文认为,Ng集团应由以行政管理型为主的管控模式(相对集权),向以公司治理型为主、行政管理型为辅的管控模式(相对分权)转变。同时,应根据新的管控模式采取多样化的管理控制手段、调整母公司职能定位、完善母公司法人治理结构等措施,提高母子公司管理控制效率和效果。
[Abstract]:Under the background of western development and westward opening up, the construction of infrastructure in Xinjiang has been started intensively, which has formed both short-term and medium- and long-term benefits for cement leading enterprises in Xinjiang, which makes the cement industry of Xinjiang usher in a period of leapfrogging development opportunities.Cement is the leading industry of the building materials industry in Xinjiang. The total industrial output value accounts for 35% of the building materials industry. By the end of 2010, there were 88 cement enterprises in the whole region, with a total assets of 22.1 billion yuan and 119 cement production lines of various kinds.The production capacity of 35 million tons. Ng Building Materials Group is cementitious, coal, electricity, chemical, transportation, plastic products, mining energy development, commercial concrete, new building materials, mechanical and electrical installation, capital construction, foundry, real estate development,International trade logistics and other industries as one of the Bingtuan enterprise group, Xinjiang production and construction corps building materials leading enterprises, the total assets of more than 2.3 billion yuan, cement production capacity in Xinjiang ranked top three, cement enterprises are its subsidiaries,Mainly distributed in Yili, Bole, Tacheng, Altay, Kuitun and Hami areas. Ng Building Materials Group has stepped into the ranks of large enterprise groups from the former small enterprises, and the previous control mode has gradually failed to adapt to the development of the group.The regulation of holding subsidiaries has exposed many problems and it is necessary for Ng Building Materials Group to optimize the control model of its holding subsidiaries in the face of upcoming industry competition.It is of theoretical and practical significance to study the mode and means of the management and control of parent and subsidiary companies of the enterprise group of Bingtuan, and to probe into the optimization countermeasures of the management control mode of the parent and subsidiary companies.Based on Chen Zhijun's theory of parent-subsidiary control mode, this paper analyzes the current situation of Ng group's parent-subsidiary control mode and corporate governance by using the methods of literature research, comparative research and case analysis.Group in the management and control mode, control means, parent-subsidiary company governance and other aspects of problems.After analysis, it is concluded that the management and control mode should be changed from administrative management mode (relative centralization of power) to management mode (relative decentralization), which is mainly based on corporate governance and supplemented by administrative management.At the same time, we should adopt various management and control methods according to the new management and control mode, adjust the function orientation of parent company, perfect the corporate governance structure of parent company, and improve the efficiency and effect of management and control of parent company and subsidiary company.


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