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发布时间:2018-04-06 22:13

  本文选题:承租人 切入点:优先购买权 出处:《华东政法大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房屋承租人优先购买权是优先购买权中的一种,是指在房屋租赁关系存续期间,承租人按照法律规定所享有的,当出租人出卖租赁房屋给第三人时,得以同等条件优先购买该租赁房屋的权利。该制度作为一项重要的民事法律制度,是在平衡民事主体意思自治的基础上保护弱势群体的利益,对平衡承租人、出租人和第三人之间的利益具有重要意义。 承租人优先购买权制度的历史源远流长,在绝大多数大陆法系国家的民法中也都有对该权利的规制。我国也不例外,《民法通则意见》、《合同法》及2009年《最高人民法院关于审理城镇房屋租赁合同纠纷案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》等法律法规中均有对该权利的规制。但是,这些法律对于该制度大多是原则性的规定,伴随着我国房地产市场的快速发展,该制度的使用也日益频繁,随之出现许多损害承租人优先购买权的情形,其制度缺陷也越来越多的暴露出来,在一定程度上也造成司法适用上的混乱和困惑,,因此,无论在理论界还是在实务界,该制度都还有许多值得探讨研究的问题。 本文根据现行法律规定,尝试理清现有概念与学者观点,务求提出可以指导实践的有效建议,使该制度能在实践中发挥其应有的作用。本文共分成以下四个部分: 第一章首先论述了承租人优先购买权的基本理论,即其基本概念及性质。承租人优先购买权的性质问题,也是该制度的核心问题,确定承租人优先购买权的性质问题是解决实践中所遇争议的理论基础。我国民法学界围绕承租人优先购买权的性质形成了形成权说、期待权说、物权说、债权说等学说,通过对这些学说的分析,阐明承租人优先购买权的性质是形成权,为解决实践中的问题提供最基本的理论基础。 第二章着重讨论了承租人优先购买权的行使问题,包括承租人优先购买权的成立条件、行使条件、承租人优先购买权行使中的“同等条件”以及该权利的行使期限。 第三章着重对侵害承租人优先购买权后损害赔偿的请求权基础进行论述。阐明形成权亦具有被侵害性,实践中侵害承租人优先购买权的种类主要有以下三种:在法律规定的合理期限内未通知承租人导致其优先购买权不能行使的、承租人行使优先购买权的过程中受到不合理阻碍的、承租人优先购买权行使后又最终目的落空的,对于以上这些侵害承租人优先购买权的行为,侵害人均应承担相应的损害赔偿责任。 第四章主要讨论了承租人优先购买权受侵害后的救济措施,笔者根据承租人有无行使其优先购买权进行分类,将侵害承租人优先购买权的赔偿形式及赔偿范围分为两种情况进行讨论,即承租人未能行使其优先购买权可获得的赔偿的形式及其范围,以及承租人行使优先购买权后又目的落空的情形中可获得的赔偿形式及其范围。
[Abstract]:The preemptive right of the lessee is one of the preemptive rights, which refers to the lessee who, in accordance with the law, sells the leased building to a third party during the tenure of the building.The right to purchase the leased house on equal terms.As an important civil legal system, this system protects the interests of vulnerable groups on the basis of balancing the autonomy of the will of the civil subject, and plays an important role in balancing the interests of the lessee, the lessor and the third party.The system of lessee's preemption right has a long history and is regulated in the civil law of most civil law countries.Our country is no exception. There are regulations on this right in "opinions on General principles of Civil Law", "contract Law" and "interpretation of several issues of the Supreme people's Court on the Application of laws in handling disputes over contract of Housing Lease in cities and towns" in 2009.However, these laws are mostly principled provisions for the system. With the rapid development of the real estate market in our country, the use of the system is becoming more and more frequent, and there are many cases that damage the lessee's preemptive right.Its system defects are more and more exposed, to a certain extent, it also causes confusion and confusion in judicial application. Therefore, whether in the theoretical or practical circles, the system still has many problems worth studying.According to the existing laws and regulations, this paper tries to clarify the existing concepts and scholars' viewpoints, and to put forward effective suggestions which can guide the practice, so that the system can play its due role in practice.This paper is divided into the following four parts:The first chapter discusses the basic theory of lessee's preemption right, that is, its basic concept and nature.The nature of the lessee's preemptive right is also the core of the system. The theoretical basis for resolving the disputes in practice is to determine the nature of the lessee's preemptive right.The scholars of civil law of our country have formed the theory of forming right, expectation right, real right and creditor's right around the nature of lessee's preemption right. Through the analysis of these theories, the author clarifies that the nature of lessee's preemption right is formative right.To solve the problems in practice to provide the most basic theoretical basis.The second chapter focuses on the exercise of the lessee's preemptive right, including the establishment conditions of the lessee's preemptive right, the conditions for exercising the preemptive right, the "equal conditions" in the exercise of the lessee's preemptive right, and the time limit for the exercise of the preemptive right.The third chapter focuses on the basis of claim for damages after preemption.It is clarified that the right of formation is also infringed. In practice, there are mainly three kinds of infringements on the preemptive right of the lessee: if the lessee is unable to exercise the preemptive right without notifying the lessee within a reasonable time limit stipulated by law,If the lessee is unreasonably obstructed in the process of exercising the preemptive right, and the final purpose of the lessee's preemptive right is defeated after the exercise of the preemptive right, the above acts infringe upon the lessee's preemptive right,The infringer shall bear the corresponding liability for damages.The fourth chapter mainly discusses the relief measures after the lessee's preemptive right is infringed, and the author classifies it according to whether the lessee has exercised the preemptive right.The form and scope of compensation for infringement of the lessee's preemptive right are discussed in two cases, that is, the form and scope of compensation that the lessee can obtain if he fails to exercise his preemptive right.And the form and scope of compensation which the lessee can obtain after exercising the preemptive right.


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