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发布时间:2018-04-07 16:16

  本文选题:房地产市场 切入点:评价 出处:《南京理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:作为国民经济支柱产业之一的房地产业,对中国经济发展的促进作用非常重要,对某些中小城市来说,财政收入主要靠出让土地来支撑,房地产业的效用则更为明显。针对不断上涨的房价所带来的风险,国家对房地产市场调控不断加深,随着带有强烈行政命令色彩的“限购”政策持续作用,同时受流动性过剩和通货膨胀的影响,投机资金正转战二、三线城市,使得三线城市房价不断上涨,并创出新高。三线城市房地产市场与一、二线城市房地产市场有相同的一面,也有不同的地方。三线城市房地产市场具有容量小、易受环境影响,波动性较大等特征。 为解决三线城市房地产发展过程中遇到的诸多问题,本文以房地产在我国国民经济中的重要地位、软件能力成熟度、可持续发展等理论为基础,参阅相关文献,综合运用观察法、文献研究、专家访谈、统计调查、专家打分、安全研究法等方法,对我国三线城市房地产市场成熟度进行了有针对性的深入研究。并得到如下主要结论: (1)三线城市房地产市场与一二线城市房地产市场相比,具有容量小、易受环境影响,波动性较大的特征。 (2)针对三线城市房地产市场,为建立相对完善的特征指标体系,引入了层次结构模型概念。 (3)通过辨析原始级、初始级、开拓级、扩展级、系统级不同成熟度等级的房地产市场的特征,运用灰色理论建立了三线城市房地产市场成熟度灰色评价模型。 (4)以江苏省泰州市房地产市场为研究对象进行了实证分析,得出了该市目前成熟度等级为开拓级,并指明了该市房地产市场发展的路径。
[Abstract]:As one of the pillar industries of the national economy, the real estate industry plays a very important role in promoting the economic development of China. For some small and medium-sized cities, the financial revenue is mainly supported by the transfer of land, and the utility of the real estate industry is more obvious.In view of the risks brought about by rising house prices, the state has continuously deepened its control over the real estate market. As the "purchase restriction" policy, which has a strong executive order color, continues to function, it is also affected by excess liquidity and inflation.Speculative capital is switching to second-and-third-tier cities, making third-tier cities rising house prices and setting new highs.The third-tier city real estate market has the same side and different places with the first-and second-tier cities real estate market.The third-tier city real estate market has the characteristics of small capacity, easy to be affected by the environment, high volatility and so on.In order to solve many problems in the process of real estate development in third-tier cities, this paper is based on the theories of the important position of real estate in our national economy, the maturity of software capability, the sustainable development, and so on.By using the methods of observation, literature research, expert interview, statistical investigation, expert scoring and safety research, this paper makes a targeted and in-depth study on the maturity of the real estate market in the third-tier cities of our country.The main conclusions are as follows:Compared with the real estate market of the first and second tier cities, the third tier city real estate market has the characteristics of small capacity, easy to be influenced by the environment, and large volatility.2) aiming at the third tier city real estate market, the concept of hierarchical structure model is introduced in order to establish a relatively perfect characteristic index system.Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the real estate market at the original grade, initial level, development level, extension level and system level, the grey evaluation model of the maturity of the third-line urban real estate market is established by using the grey theory.Taking Taizhou real estate market of Jiangsu Province as the research object, this paper makes an empirical analysis, and draws the conclusion that the current maturity level of Taizhou City is a pioneering level, and points out the path of the development of the real estate market in this city.


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