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发布时间:2018-04-08 16:13

  本文选题:房地产开发 切入点:项目质量管理 出处:《南昌大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着国家城镇化速度的加快,房地产行业迎来了发展的春天。许多新注册的房地产企业就像雨后春笋般遍地都是,这些企业都来分享由国家城镇化政策所带来的巨大市场这块蛋糕。那么谁能把握机遇在市场的大潮中站稳脚跟,并逐渐发展壮大成为像万科、恒大这样的巨无霸;谁又被市场逐渐遗忘,灰飞烟灭?究竟是什么原因导致了这样巨大的差距,长久来看是质量。因为质量赢得信任,信任铸就品牌,品牌占领市场,市场促进发展。 本文首先从研究的背景出发说明研究的意义,接着对房地产项目质量管理的基本理论及方法进行阐述,其次以A商住小区为案例深刻分析A商住小区的项目质量管理方案及其的保障措施,最后对A商住小区的项目质量管理进行总结和对未来房地产项目质量管理进行展望。
[Abstract]:With the acceleration of national urbanization, the real estate industry ushered in the spring of development.Many newly registered real estate companies have sprung up to share in the huge market pie created by the country's urbanisation policy.So who can seize the opportunity to stand firm in the market tide, and gradually grow into a giant like Vanke, Evergrande; who is gradually forgotten by the market, lost in smoke?What is the cause of such a huge gap, in the long run is quality.Because the quality wins the trust, the trust creates the brand, the brand occupies the market, the market promotes the development.This paper first explains the significance of the research from the background of the research, and then expounds the basic theory and methods of the quality management of real estate projects.Secondly, taking A commercial and residential district as a case, the project quality management scheme and its guarantee measures are deeply analyzed. Finally, the project quality management of A commercial and residential district is summarized and the future real estate project quality management is prospected.


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1 陈兵;军队干休所住房改造的现状及对策研究[D];北京建筑大学;2014年




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