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发布时间:2018-04-09 04:05

  本文选题:住房租赁市场 切入点:中央政府 出处:《求索》2016年03期

[Abstract]:The development of the housing rental market in China needs the support of the government, but there is a game of interests between the local government and the central government.The slow development of the housing rental market is mainly due to: if the local government actively develops the housing rental market, it will break the existing interest pattern, and will not only lose its vested interests in the development of the real estate development and sales market.And because of the need to create a good housing rental market development environment and great costs.A game model is built to analyze the benefit game between central government and local government. The result shows that the utility ratio of local government share is enlarged and the cost of central government supervision is reduced.It is the key to solve the game model and to promote the development of housing rental market to increase the penalty force of the local government to develop the housing rental market.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学;湘潭大学商学院;湖南省经济安全研究基地;
【基金】:国家社科基金(10BJL018) 国家自科基金(71203190) 湖南省社科基金(14BR05,14BR06) 湖南省教育厅开放基金(15K121),湖南省教育厅重点项目(15A193)


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