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发布时间:2018-04-10 14:32

  本文选题:房地产企业 + 人才流失 ; 参考:《安徽大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着经济的快速发展,市场竞争日趋激烈,人才作为企业运营的第一资本,其培育能力、运用能力将决定着企业的核心竞争能力。人才作为企业长期稳定健康发展的动力和源泉,在宏观层面和微观层面均是决定企业发展的关键因素。所以,企业唯有人才充足,方能得到跨越式发展。人才流动,从社会角度看,是必然趋势,市场经济需要人才流动。但从企业角度看,一定要警惕人才流失,人才的流失对于稳定职工队伍,实现企业目标,将产生不利影响。如何有效地降低人才流失、留住企业的关键人才,成为众多企业关注的焦点。 近年来随着市场经济的发展,房地产企业存在人才流失严重的问题。这种情况的出现,严重削弱了房地产企业竞争力。未来几年,房地产行业仍将快速发展,在人才方面的需求将极其旺盛,人才方面的问题已经成为企业在人力资源管理中的核心问题。W公司是安徽省内一家大型国有房地产开发企业,房地产开发企业的行业特殊性决定了企业需要的是具有相当的专业知识及一定工作经验的员工。本文就是通过借鉴有关的数据分析和调查材料,从人力资源管理的角度来分析W公司人才流失现状及其产生的原因,并就如何吸纳和稳定人才提出一些对策和建议。 全文共分六个部分。第一部分为绪论。介绍了本文的研究背景、研究目的与意义、研究思路与方法以及可能的创新点。第二部分是相关理论基础及文献的回顾。主要界定了人才流失与人才流动的相关概念,回顾和概述了国内外有关激励理论,并从国内外两个方面分析有关学者对企业人才流失影响因素的研究现状,最后通过对房地产业人才的研究,了解房地产业人才的固有特点和人才流失的现状。第三部分是对W公司人才流失的现状及对公司的影响进行细致的研究。通过研究其公司概况、组织架构及人力资源管理现状,了解W公司目前人才流失现况,针对人才流失问题对企业未来发展带来的影响进行深入分析。第四部分是实证研究。一方面通过设计调查问卷、进行核心人才访谈,全面研究影响W公司人才流失的因素;另一方面从企业文化、薪酬制度、培训、科学管理、职业发展等五方面入手,深入分析造成W公司人才流失的原因。第五部分是对策研究,结合第三、第四两部分的研究内容,从激励角度出发,对企业文化、管理制度、薪酬体系等方面提出具体的对策和建议,研究抑制W公司人才流失的策略。第六部分是研究结论和展望。通过对国有大型房地产企业W公司人才流失问题的研究,发现了W公司在人力资源管理方面的一些问题,进而提出一些改进办法,最终帮助W公司能用好人才、留住人才。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy, the increasingly fierce market competition, the enterprise operation personnel as the first capital, the cultivation of ability, ability to use will determine the enterprise's core competitive ability. The talent as the enterprise long-term stable and healthy development of the power source and, at the macro level and micro level are the key factor in enterprise development. So, enterprises have adequate personnel, in order to get leapfrog development. The flow of talent, from the perspective of the society, is the inevitable trend of market economy requires the flow of talent. But from the enterprise perspective, we must guard against the loss of talents, talent loss to stabilize the workforce, to realize the goal of enterprise, will have a negative impact. How to effectively reduce the the loss of talented people, retain key personnel of enterprises, has become the focus of many enterprises.
In recent years, with the development of market economy, the existence of the real estate enterprises serious brain drain problem. The emergence of this situation, seriously weakened the competitiveness of real estate enterprises. The next few years, the real estate industry will continue rapid development in terms of talent demand is extremely strong, the problem of talent has become the core issue in human resource management the.W company in Anhui province is a large state-owned real estate development companies, real estate development enterprises particularity enterprises need is with professional knowledge and work experience is the staff. This is by referring to relevant data analysis and investigation, to analyze the causes of brain drain of W company status and from the perspective of human resource management, and how to attract and stabilize talents and put forward some countermeasures and suggestions.
This paper is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction. It introduces the research background, research purpose and significance, research ideas and methods and innovations. The second part is the review of related theories and literature. Mainly defines the related concept of talent and talent flow, and provides an overview of the relevant review the incentive theory, and from the two aspects of domestic and foreign scholars research on theinfluencing factors of enterprise talent, and finally through the research of the real estate industry talent, and talent status inherent characteristics of real estate industry talent loss of understanding. The third part is the detailed research on current situation of W company's talent loss and influence the company. Through the research of the status quo of company profile, structure and organization of human resource management, understand the W's current talent loss situation, for the brain drain problem brought on the future development of enterprises The in-depth analysis. The fourth part is the empirical research. On the one hand, through the design of questionnaire, interview of key personnel, a comprehensive study on the influence factors of the brain drain of W company; on the other hand, from the enterprise culture, salary system, training, scientific management, five aspects of occupation development, in-depth analysis of the causes of brain drain of W company the fifth part is the countermeasure research, combined with the research content of third, section 42, starting from the perspective of motivation, corporate culture, management system, put forward specific measures and suggestions on the compensation system, research the inhibition of brain drain of W company strategy. The sixth part is the conclusion and Prospect of the research. Through the research on the problem of loss a large state-owned real estate enterprise W company personnel, found some problems in the human resource management of W company, and then put forward some improvement measures, and ultimately help the company can use the good W Only to keep the talent.



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