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发布时间:2018-04-12 10:28

  本文选题:发展战略 + 房地产代理 ; 参考:《石家庄经济学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:城镇化建设是中国发展现代化的必由之路。推进城镇化是推动区域协调发展的有力支撑,是扩大内需和促进产业升级的重要抓手,对全面建成小康社会、加快推进社会主义现代化具有重大现实意义和深远历史意义。房地产行业的良性发展在城镇化建设过程扮演着重要的角色。房地产业是国民经济的支柱性产业,地产投资是经济增长的重要动力。 房地产开发受环境政策、产业政策、城市发展规划、土地利用规划等政策的调整变动等诸多的不确定的因素影响。伴随着房地产市场的发展,房地产代理业日益壮大,其在房地产业中的作用和地位也日显重要。房地产代理业不仅促进了房地产业的发展,而且活跃了市场、节省了流通费用,降低房地产市场风险的同时,提高了劳动生产率。一个完善的房地产市场发展体系,可以积极应对房地产商品的特殊性所导致的市场低效率,是房地产行业存在和发展的理由。 发展和完善与房地产市场需求相适应的房地产代理行业,对于房地产业发展有着十分重要的作用,不仅可以积极促进房地产市场的繁荣与稳定,而且有利于加速房地产信息的传播和房地产商品的流通,并促进房地产资源的合理配置。 本文从中国的房地产的发展历程的不同特点开始分析中国式房地产市场的发展特色,并明确本文研究的思路、主要问题和研究办法;根据国内外关于房地产营销代理行业的研究现状,结合全国房地产大环境、大格局和广州地区的特点进行影响一线城市的房地产市场的内外部因素分析,并选取了广州知名企业X公司,对X公司所面临的宏观政策、经济、社会、技术环境和竞争现状、态势进行分析,多角度剖析X公司的经营现状、资源优势和存在问题,总结出X公司的内部优势和劣势。在这个基础上对企业综合分析确定X公司的发展战略目标,完成战略总体设计和升级路径,提出链接集团服务的新功能和新定位,将X公司打造成房地产服务领域的多元化投资商、整合运营商和专业经营商的愿景。希望能为房地产代理行业的发展方向带来一点点的启示,为房地产开发产业链优化提升提供一点点帮助。 本文在研究中,,运用了比较分析法、PEST分析法和SWOT工具等进行了分析,采用了定性和定量结合的方法。
[Abstract]:Urbanization is the only way to develop China's modernization.To promote urbanization is a strong support to promote regional coordinated development, is an important grasp of expanding domestic demand and promoting industrial upgrading. It is of great practical and far-reaching historical significance to build a well-off society in an all-round way and to speed up the promotion of socialist modernization.The benign development of the real estate industry plays an important role in the process of urbanization construction.Real estate industry is the pillar industry of national economy, real estate investment is the important power of economic growth.Real estate development is influenced by many uncertain factors, such as environmental policy, industrial policy, urban development planning, land use planning and so on.With the development of the real estate market, the real estate agency industry is becoming stronger and stronger, and its role and position in the real estate industry is becoming more and more important.The real estate agency not only promotes the development of the real estate industry, but also enlivens the market, saves the circulation expenses, reduces the risk of the real estate market, and raises the labor productivity at the same time.A perfect real estate market development system can actively deal with the market inefficiency caused by the particularity of real estate commodities, which is the reason for the existence and development of real estate industry.The development and improvement of the real estate agency industry, which is in line with the demand of the real estate market, plays a very important role in the development of the real estate industry, and can not only actively promote the prosperity and stability of the real estate market,It also helps to speed up the dissemination of real estate information and the circulation of real estate commodities, and promote the rational allocation of real estate resources.This paper analyzes the characteristics of the development of Chinese real estate market from the different characteristics of the development process of China's real estate, and clarifies the ideas, main problems and research methods of this paper.According to the research status of real estate marketing agent industry at home and abroad, combined with the national real estate environment, large pattern and the characteristics of Guangzhou area, the internal and external factors affecting the real estate market in first-tier cities are analyzed.And select X Company, a famous enterprise in Guangzhou, to analyze the macro policy, economy, society, technology environment and competition situation of X Company, and analyze X Company's management status, resource advantage and existing problems from many angles.Summed up X Company's internal strengths and weaknesses.On this basis, the comprehensive analysis of the enterprise to determine X company's development strategy objectives, complete the overall strategy design and upgrade path, proposed a link group service new functions and new positioning,X will become a diversified investment in real estate services, integrating the vision of operators and professional operators.Hope to bring a little enlightenment to the development direction of the real estate agent industry, and provide a little help for the optimization and upgrading of the real estate development industry chain.In this paper, we use the method of comparative analysis, pest analysis and SWOT tool to analyze, and adopt the method of qualitative and quantitative combination.


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