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发布时间:2018-04-12 20:33

  本文选题:战略转型 + 发展战略 ; 参考:《西安建筑科技大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,我国的房地产业蓬勃发展,带动国内的相关行业如水泥、钢材、装修材料等行业发展起来,促进了我国经济的快速增长。但就长期来看,房地产业是资金密集型行业,而不是生产型行业,房地产业的发展会使资金向房地产大量流入,从而对我国的整体经济产生不利影响。所以,国家多次出台宏观调控政策,对房地产业的规模、融资、客户资格等进行限制。在这样的房地产宏观调控政策的重大影响下,我国房地产公司面临着行业性的大调整,对于一些中小型房地产公司来说,战略转型势在必行,而转型的根本,在于提高自己的核心竞争能力,使自己在房地产业陷于低潮时能够生存和发展。 本论文以个案研究方式进行,以企业战略管理和战略变革理论为基础,结合HG地产公司的实际情况,采用SWOT矩阵对公司所面临的外部环境和内部条件进行了分析,采用BCG分析法对公司现有的业务进行了研究,采用SPACE矩阵对公司原有的战略实施进行了全方位的评估,,提出了新环境下公司的努力方向。具体研究结论为:HG地产公司作为我国众多中小型房地产公司中的一员,要想做大做强,就要对其面临的内外部环境条件进行分析,从战略高度重新进行战略定位,提出新的战略目标,使公司能够在正确的方向上发展前进。要抓住房地产发展的机遇,必须先打造自身的开发能力,打造自己的品牌。战略转型的实质上是对公司的战略定位、公司组织架构和体制以及公司运营系统的不断变革、深化。紧紧围绕战略转型的实质来实施公司战略,才能保证公司持久健康发展。本论文提出了HG地产公司战略的转型思路、战略目标、战略方案、实施保证措施和实施要点,对HG地产公司下一步的战略转型具有一定的前瞻性意义。
[Abstract]:In recent years, China's real estate industry is booming, driving the domestic related industries such as cement, steel, decoration materials and other industries to develop, promoting the rapid growth of our economy.But in the long run, the real estate industry is a capital-intensive industry, not a production-oriented industry. The development of the real estate industry will make a large amount of capital flow into the real estate industry, which will have a negative impact on the overall economy of our country.Therefore, the state has issued a number of macro-control policies, real estate size, financing, customer qualifications and other restrictions.Under the influence of the macro-control policy of real estate, the real estate companies in our country are facing a great adjustment in the industry. For some small and medium-sized real estate companies, the strategic transformation is imperative, and the fundamental of the transformation is essential.It is to improve their core competitive ability, so that they can survive and develop when the real estate industry is in a low tide.Based on the theory of strategic management and strategic change, this paper analyzes the external environment and internal conditions of HG real estate company by using SWOT matrix, based on the theory of strategic management and strategic change.BCG analysis method is used to study the existing business of the company, and the SPACE matrix is used to evaluate the original strategy of the company, and the direction of the company's efforts under the new environment is put forward.The concrete research conclusion is that as a member of many small and medium-sized real estate companies in our country, if we want to be large and strong, we should analyze the internal and external environmental conditions it faces, and reposition its strategy from a strategic perspective.Propose new strategic goals to enable the company to move in the right direction.To seize the opportunity of real estate development, we must first build their own development ability, build their own brand.The essence of strategic transformation is the strategic orientation of the company, the continuous change of the company's organizational structure and system, and the deepening of the company's operating system.Only by implementing the company strategy closely around the essence of the strategic transformation, can the company develop healthily for a long time.This paper puts forward the strategic transformation ideas, strategic objectives, strategic plans, implementation guarantee measures and key points of HG real estate company, which has a certain forward-looking significance for the next strategic transformation of HG real estate company.


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