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发布时间:2018-04-13 14:30

  本文选题:奢侈品 + 网络营销 ; 参考:《上海外国语大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:经过二十多年的发展,我国己成为全球最大的铂金消费市场和亚洲最大的钻石消费市场,珠宝首饰行业己成为继房地产,汽车之后百姓们所关注的第三大消费热点产业。与此同时,随着网民人数快速增长,网络购物蓬勃发展,国内包括钻饰在内的奢侈品行业怎样利用互联网开展网络营销活动,使得线上线下的营销活动有机整合,是现代奢侈品行业都必须认真思考的问题。 本文以关系营销理论作为基础,利用五力模型对钻饰网络营销进行行业分析,运用SWOT分析法分析了玛贝尔开展网络营销的优势劣势、机遇和挑战,然后通过经典STP目标市场选择战略,将玛贝尔网络营销的市场定位为有价格竞争优势的高品质的婚庆钻饰市场和淑女钻饰市场。制定了玛贝尔的网络营销战略是以关系营销为基础的网络营销战略,,包括建立与银行的战略合作伙伴关系,与传统零售店铺建立互相促进的双赢合作关系,与消费者建立长期的依存关系,最后提出了开展网络营销的4P实施方案,包括:第一、产品的定制和组合销售方案;第二、以增加顾客信任感为核心的网络营销体验店渠道及银行网络商城营销渠道方案;第三、在价格策略方面,实施标准化产品的低价策略和具有品质和款式优势的淑女钻饰的平价策略,第四、通过会员制促销方案,与消费者建立长期互相依存的关系,提高消费者的重复购买率。
[Abstract]:After more than 20 years' development, China has become the largest platinum consumption market in the world and the largest diamond market in Asia, and the jewelry industry has become the third major consumer hot industry after the real estate and automobile.At the same time, with the rapid growth of the number of Internet users and the vigorous development of online shopping, how to use the Internet to carry out online marketing activities in the domestic luxury goods industry, including drilling accessories, makes the online and offline marketing activities organically integrated.Is the modern luxury industry must seriously consider the problem.Based on the theory of relational marketing, this paper analyzes the industry of online marketing of drilling ornament by using the five-force model, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of Web-based marketing by Mabel by using SWOT analysis method.Then through the classic STP target market selection strategy, the market positioning of Marbel network marketing is as high quality wedding diamond market and lady diamond market with price competitive advantage.The network marketing strategy of Mabel is based on the relationship marketing, including establishing the strategic partnership with the bank and establishing a win-win cooperative relationship with the traditional retail stores.Finally, the 4P implementation scheme for developing network marketing is put forward, which includes: first, product customization and combination sales plan; second,To increase customer trust as the core of online marketing experience store channel and bank network mall marketing channel scheme; third, in price strategy,To implement the low price strategy of standardized products and the parity strategy with quality and style advantages, fourth, to establish a long-term relationship of interdependence with consumers through membership promotion, and to improve the repeat purchase rate of consumers.


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