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发布时间:2018-04-14 10:16

  本文选题:担保公司 + 内部控制 ; 参考:《财政部财政科学研究所》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The internal control is the foundation of the guarantee company to manage the risk, and the key to the guarantee company's continuous and steady operation.Whether it is the global financial crisis that occurred in 2008 or at present, with the implementation of macroeconomic policies such as the regulation and control of the real estate industry, the gradual liberalization of the capital market, and the impact of objective factors such as the decline in economic growth since the beginning of this year,The banking industry, which has gone through the winter, has brought opportunities and challenges to the guarantee industry.But in the case of the guarantee industry: to stand up to the challenge, you have to have more unique risk control than the banking industry to turn the challenge into an opportunity for development.As we all know, the guarantee industry is a high-risk industry, and the products run by the guarantee company are "risk". How to manage the risk within the scope of control is a must answer for every business of the guarantee company.It's just that the difficulty is different.In this paper, Zx guarantee Company as the research object, through its original scattered rules and regulations to comb, analysis,By analyzing the internal control situation of the guarantee company, the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote the realization of the strategic goal by finding out the joint point between the internal control of the guarantee company and the controlling risk. The key risk point is the key point of risk control, and through the analysis of the internal control situation of the guarantee company, the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward.This paper is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction, which introduces the background and significance of the topic, the domestic and foreign literature review on the internal control of the guarantee industry, the methods and contents of the research, the innovation and insufficiency; the second part is the overview of the internal control of the guarantee industry.This paper introduces the development course of the guarantee industry, the main contents and main methods of the internal control of the guarantee industry, the third part is the current situation and the main problems of the internal control of the ZX guarantee company, mainly introduces the background and general situation of the ZX guarantee company.The fourth part is the focus of this paper, through the third part of the elaboration,At the same time, combined with the internal control guidelines of financing guarantee companies issued by CBRC in July 2010, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to the defects of internal control. The fifth part is the conclusion, the author thinks that the implementation of effective internal control,Is the guarantee company manages the risk the basic premise.The possible contributions of this paper are as follows: by investigating the implementation of internal control in ZX guarantee company, analyzing the defects of internal control in ZX guarantee company, according to the method of "critical risk point",The internal control system which is suitable for the risk management of the target company is put forward, which not only plays the role of "escort" for the ZX guarantee company to realize the strategic goal,More hope for the healthy development of the entire guarantee industry to play the effect.The deficiency of this paper lies in the lack of quantitative research on risk assessment in internal control.


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