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发布时间:2018-04-15 20:51

  本文选题:房地产开发企业 + 营销策略 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:我国的房地产从上个世纪八十年代到今天,,经历了三十多年风风雨雨,从最初的市场停滞,发展到如今的市场兴盛,其中所走过的历程可谓艰辛如苦,到了本世纪初2001年国家颁布房改条令,中国开始进入到了疯狂的房地产开发的事业当中,每年拉动GDP总产值呈阶梯形递增,在国家GDP增长点中,2011、2012、2013年均占据了百分之60%的增长,其经济增长效果可谓是触目惊心,拉动内需之迅速可谓是首屈一指,正是在这样的前提下房地产营销市场走入了真正是市场经济当中。 房地产营销可能在未来几年当中有所下滑,但是总体市场的特征还是趋于平稳,毕竟人口基数给与市场无穷的发展动力。但我国现有房地产营销的经营模式虽然已经步入了联合一体的发展模式当中,但对于资源整合能力并不突出,许多房地产开发与房地产营销之间还存在着天然的漏洞与分歧。另一方面,间接的楼盘代理营销依然是我国现有房地产营销的主要模式,但其中的弊病并没有得到良好的解决方式,因此我国的房地产营销一直处于一个落后的营销管理层面当中,存在着许多营销管理缺陷。 本文以房地产开发企业的营销策略为研究对象,通过对营销理论,我国房地产业当前发展情况以及存在问题等方面的探究,结合对XJ房地产公司营销案例的分析,最终形成对我国房地产开发企业营销策略选取以及改革方面的建议。希望凭借本文提出的粗浅建议,能够令我国房地产开发企业在未来的发展中把握机遇,安然应对挑战,进而使自身取得更大的发展,最终推动我国整体经济的进步。
[Abstract]:From the eighties of last century to today, the real estate of our country has experienced more than 30 years of ups and downs, from the initial stagnation of the market to the prosperity of the market today.By the beginning of this century, the state promulgated the housing reform regulations in 2001, and China began to enter into the enterprise of crazy real estate development. The annual GDP output value was increasing step by step, accounting for an average of 60 percent of the annual growth rate of the national GDP growth point in 2011 and 20122013.Its economic growth effect can be described as shocking, and the rapid development of domestic demand is second to none. It is precisely under this premise that the real estate marketing market has entered the real market economy.Real estate marketing may decline in the next few years, but the overall market is still levelling off, as the population base gives the market an endless boost.However, although the current management mode of real estate marketing in our country has stepped into the development mode of integration, but the ability of resource integration is not outstanding, many real estate development and real estate marketing still exist natural loopholes and differences.On the other hand, the indirect agent marketing of real estate is still the main mode of real estate marketing in our country, but the disadvantages have not been solved well.Therefore, China's real estate marketing has been in a backward level of marketing management, there are many shortcomings in marketing management.This article takes the marketing strategy of the real estate development enterprise as the research object, through to the marketing theory, our country real estate industry present development situation as well as the existence question and so on aspect inquiry, unifies to the XJ real estate company marketing case analysis,Finally, suggestions on the selection of marketing strategies and reform of real estate development enterprises in China are formed.It is hoped that this paper can make our real estate development enterprises grasp the opportunities in the future development, meet the challenges safely, and then make their own greater development, and finally promote the overall economic progress of our country.


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1 邵雪松;;当前房地产市场的新特点及其营销对策[J];科技经济市场;2006年02期




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