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发布时间:2018-04-16 02:10

  本文选题:土地储备 + 制度 ; 参考:《内蒙古农业大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:本文选取我国山东省济宁市城市土地储备制度为研究对象,采用专家咨询法、制度分析法和实地调查法,结合典型案例,以及各种统计资料和数据,通过济宁市2007年~2012年土地储备情况,对济宁市城市土地储备的组织机构、运行程序和融资体系进行研究,主要研究结果如下: (1)2007年至2012年济宁市土地储备规模呈逐年递增的趋势,其中2010年土地储备面积高达8880.6亩。这是由于2009年5月济宁市在全国首批完成《城市总体规划(2008-2030年)》调整,城市发展重点、规划布局正式确立,房地产开发建设区域更加广阔。特别是近几年经济战略转型成效凸显,经济实力快速提升,城市竞争力持续增强,房地产刚性需求持续扩大。城市化的加速使济宁市房地产业进入快速发展期,为今后土地资产运营带来较大空间。 (2)2007-2012年近5年间,,济宁市以“招拍挂”为主导的土地出让方式已经发展的比较成熟并在土地出让中所占比重越来越大,也就是说,土地出让的“招拍挂”制度正在逐渐取代协议出让方式。土地出让的“招拍挂”制度通过价格杠杆和竞争机制的功能,优化土地资源配置,对规范土地市场、防止国有资产流失起到了积极地作用。 (3)济宁市城市土地收储操作中主要存在的问题有:①土地储备计划针对性不强;②集中统一的土地储备管理模式仍未形成;③土地储备工作机制尚未完善;④土地融资渠道单一。提出了相应的应对措施:①提升土地资产运营理念;②建立健全土地资产高效运营的领导体制;③建立健全高度统一的土地经营管理体制;④明确土地收储职责划分,调整现行土地出让收入分配机制;⑤破解市土地储备中心的融资难题;⑥建立高效统一的土地储备体系;⑦适时调整现有行政区划,拓展中心城市发展空间;⑧推行“撤村改居”,为城市建设和空间拓展打好基础。
[Abstract]:This paper selects the urban land reserve system of Jining City, Shandong Province as the research object, adopts the expert consultation method, the system analysis method and the field investigation method, unifies the typical case, as well as each kind of statistical data and the data,Through the situation of land reserve in Jining City from 2007 to 2012, this paper studies the organization, operation procedure and financing system of the urban land reserve in Jining. The main results are as follows:From 2007 to 2012, the land reserve scale of Jining is increasing year by year, and the land reserve area in 2010 is as high as 8880.6 mu.This is because in May 2009, Jining completed the adjustment of "Urban Master Plan 2008-2030" in the first batch in the country, the focus of urban development, the planning and layout were formally established, and the area of real estate development and construction became broader.Especially in recent years, the economic strategy transformation effect is prominent, the economic strength is rising rapidly, the city competitiveness continues to strengthen, the real estate rigid demand continues to expand.With the acceleration of urbanization, the real estate industry in Jining has entered a period of rapid development, which will bring more space for the operation of land assets in the future.During the past five years from 2007 to 2012, Jining City's land transfer mode, which is dominated by "bidding, shooting and hanging", has developed more and more mature and occupied an increasingly large proportion in land sales, that is to say,The system of land transfer is gradually replacing the mode of transfer by agreement.Through the function of price lever and competition mechanism, the system of land transfer has optimized the allocation of land resources, has played a positive role in standardizing the land market and preventing the loss of state-owned assets.(3) the main problems existing in the operation of urban land storage in Jining are: (1) the land reserve plan of 1 / 1 is not well-targeted and the centralized and unified land reserve management mode has not yet been formed.4 land financing channel is single.This paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures to improve the concept of land assets operation. Second, to establish and improve the leadership system of efficient operation of land assets. Thirdly, to establish a highly unified land management system and make clear the division of duties and responsibilities for land collection and storage.Adjust the current land transfer income distribution mechanism 5 solve the financing problem of the city land reserve center and set up an efficient and unified land reserve system to timely adjust the existing administrative divisions and expand the development space of the central city;8 to promote the "evacuation of villages to live in," for urban construction and space development to lay a good foundation.


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