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发布时间:2018-04-16 02:17

  本文选题:杭州 + 智能家居 ; 参考:《广西师范大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在中国移动推出首个物联网应用的“宜居通”、中国电信推出“我的e家”、中国联通与美的公司合作开发基于3G技术的智能空调的历史背景下,智能家居作为一个前景广阔的蓝海市场,已经逐步受到杭州房地产开发商的关注。2013年以来,共有10家新的全国性大型房企在杭州主城土地出让会亮相,至此,全国销售额排名前15位的开发商全部进入杭州市场。在“国五条”、“杭六条”陆续出台、房产税渐行渐近,楼盘库存量持续攀高,市场竞争日趋激烈的背景下,杭州不少房地产开发商已将“智能家居”作为近年房产开发的重要卖点。 房地产开发商给予智能家居的厚望及杭州大力进行智慧城市建设、发展智慧经济的契机,给杭州智能家居行业大发展带来了千古难遇的发展良机,但目前还有相当数量的消费者对智能家居仍然是“只闻其声未见其形。因此,本文拟在深入调研的基础上,探寻杭州智能家居的市场营销策略,为杭州建设宜居宜业新天堂的发展目标贡献一己之力。 本文采用PEST宏观模型分析法、波特五力模型、SWOT分析模型和STP分析等分析方法,对杭州智能家居的发展环境进行了深入分析,明确了适合杭州智能家居市场自身发展的、以研发中高端智能家居产品为导向的市场定位。并从6P市场营销组合(产品、价格、渠道、促销、公共关系和政治权利)等方面提出了基于中高端智能家居产品的杭州智能家居市场营销组合策略。 本文的研究成果,将助推杭州智能家居市场发展,并对其他城市开展智能家居营销具有重要的参考价值,也可以作为政府相关部门制定政策的参考依据。
[Abstract]:Against the historical background of China Mobile's launching of its first Internet of things application, "Li-Ju Tong", China Telecom's "my home", and China Unicom's cooperation with US companies to develop intelligent air conditioners based on 3G technology,As a promising blue sea market, smart home has gradually attracted the attention of real estate developers in Hangzhou. Since 2013, a total of 10 new large national housing enterprises will be unveiled in the land sale in Hangzhou's main city, so far.The top 15 national sales of developers into the Hangzhou market.With the introduction of the "five articles of the Nation" and the "six articles of Hangzhou" one after another, the property tax is gradually approaching, the inventory of real estate continues to climb, and the market competition is becoming increasingly fierce.Hangzhou many real estate developers have been "smart home" as an important selling point of real estate development in recent years.Real estate developers give great hope to the smart home and Hangzhou vigorously carry out the construction of the intelligent city, and the opportunity of developing the intelligent economy has brought a rare opportunity for the development of the smart home industry in Hangzhou.But there are still a considerable number of consumers on the smart home is still "only heard its voice did not see its shape."Therefore, this paper intends to explore the marketing strategy of smart home in Hangzhou on the basis of in-depth investigation, so as to contribute to the development of a new paradise suitable for industry in Hangzhou.This paper analyzes the development environment of smart home in Hangzhou by means of PEST macro model analysis, Porter five forces model and STP analysis, which is suitable for the development of Hangzhou smart home market.Research and development of high-end smart home products as a-oriented market positioning.From the aspects of 6P marketing mix (product, price, channel, promotion, public relations and political rights), this paper puts forward the strategy of Hangzhou smart home marketing combination based on high-end smart home products.The research results of this paper will promote the development of smart home market in Hangzhou, and have important reference value for other cities to carry out smart home marketing, and can also be used as the reference basis for government departments to formulate policies.


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