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发布时间:2018-04-16 09:26

  本文选题:保障性住房 + 开发策略 ; 参考:《山东理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:住房问题是重要的民生问题。随着改革开放的深入推进,我国居民的收入水平不断提高,对住房的需求日益增强,住房的供需矛盾更加突出,导致了房价居高不下,使得一部分城市中低收入家庭的住房需求得不到满足。因此,国家高度重视这部分人群的住房困难,,把大力加强保障性住房建设,不断增加房源供给,解决城市中低收入家庭的住房问题,实现“居者有其屋”,作为各级政府“惠民生、促发展、保稳定”的重要举措和今后一个时期的工作重点。 国家在高度重视保障性住房建设的同时,又实施严格房地产市场调控,把大力加强保障性住房建设作为房地产市场调控的重要措施,原本的商品住房开发市场被大规模的保障性住房建设所占据,房地产市场格局正在发生巨大的变化,呈现出商品住房和保障性住房“两房并存”的局面。在这样的背景下,房地产开发企业面对机遇和挑战并存的市场环境,如何制定适应市场变化的开发策略,将成为企业能否可持续发展的关键所在。 本论文对国内外保障性住房及建设模式的相关理论和观点进行了归纳和总结,以ZBAK公司的保障性住房开发项目为研究对象,研究了现阶段房地产开发企业参与保障性住房项目的开发策略。通过运用PEST分析、SWOT分析等战略管理相关理论方法,对项目实施所面临的宏观环境、内外部条件、优势和劣势、机会和威胁等相关影响因素进行了分析。同时,结合项目实际,综合运用内部收益率、净现值、盈亏平衡分析、敏感度分析等经济评价指标与方法以及层次分析法,对实施项目开发进行了定量研究分析。在此基础之上,提出了具有针对性和应用价值的定价、规划、融资、销售、成本控制、公关等开发策略,力求为该公司的保障性住房项目开发提出符合实际、具有可操作性的最优策略方案。 本论文从房地产开发企业的角度,把保障性住房作为一种特殊的房地产开发商品进行研究分析,将相对成熟的房地产项目开发相关理论和研究成果应用到保障性住房项目的开发中,力求所取得的研究成果具有创新性和指导性,能够为每一个参与保障性住房项目开发的企业提供具有参考价值的经验借鉴。 本论文通过对ZBAK公司保障性住房项目开发策略的研究和论述,得出的结论是该公司参与该保障性住房项目开发具有必要性和可行性,本文针对该项目提出的开发策略具有较强的指导性。
[Abstract]:Housing is an important livelihood issue.With the deepening of reform and opening up, the income level of Chinese residents is increasing, the demand for housing is increasing day by day, and the contradiction between supply and demand of housing is becoming more prominent, resulting in high house prices.Make part of urban low-and-middle-income families' housing demand can not be met.Therefore, the state attaches great importance to the housing difficulties of this group of people, and will vigorously strengthen the construction of affordable housing, increase the supply of housing resources, solve the housing problem of low- and middle-income families in urban areas, and realize "home ownership."As an important measure of government at all levels to "benefit the people, promote development and ensure stability" and the focus of work in the future.While attaching great importance to the construction of affordable housing, the state has also implemented strict regulation and control of the real estate market, making it an important measure to strengthen the construction of affordable housing as an important measure in regulating the real estate market.The original commodity housing development market is occupied by the large-scale affordable housing construction, the real estate market pattern is taking place the huge change, presents the commodity housing and the supportable housing "two houses coexist" the situation.In such a background, real estate development enterprises face opportunities and challenges coexist in the market environment, how to formulate development strategies to adapt to market changes, will become the key to sustainable development of enterprises.This paper sums up and summarizes the theories and viewpoints of the models of affordable housing and construction at home and abroad, and takes the development project of affordable housing of ZBAK Company as the research object.This paper studies the development strategy of the real estate development enterprises participating in the indemnificatory housing project at the present stage.By using PEST analysis and other relevant theories and methods of strategic management, this paper analyzes the macro environment, internal and external conditions, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and so on.At the same time, combined with the actual situation of the project, using the economic evaluation indexes and methods, such as internal rate of return, net present value, break-even analysis, sensitivity analysis, and AHP, the quantitative research and analysis on the implementation of project development are carried out.On this basis, the paper puts forward some development strategies, such as pricing, planning, financing, sales, cost control, public relations and so on.An operable optimal strategy scheme.In this paper, from the perspective of real estate development enterprises, the research and analysis of affordable housing as a special real estate development commodity,The relative mature theory and research results of real estate project development are applied to the development of affordable housing project, and the research results are innovative and instructive.To provide a reference for each participating in the development of affordable housing projects.Through the research and discussion on the development strategy of the indemnificatory housing project of ZBAK Company, the conclusion is that it is necessary and feasible for the company to participate in the development of the indemnificatory housing project.The development strategy proposed in this paper is very instructive.


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