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发布时间:2018-04-16 15:16

  本文选题:分时度假 + 运营模式 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着国民经济水平的持续提高,我国旅游业开始全面增长,目前已进入了大众化旅游的新阶段。今年2月18日,备受瞩目的《国民旅游休闲纲要》(2013-2020)正式发布,无疑更加为蓬勃发展中的旅游市场增添一股强劲的动力,为国内休闲度假旅游的大发展创造一个良好的政策环境。而另一方面,自2010年以来,,我国政府陆续出台各种土地调控政策,以及贷款紧缩、房地产限购等措施来保障国内住宅地产市场的稳定发展。很多房地产企业为规避政策风险,纷纷转向度假房地产开发,一时之间,度假房地产备受关注。作为度假房地产产品的一种,分时度假并不是一个新鲜事物,基于其自身具有的各种优势,早在20世纪90年代便被引入了我国旅游市场。但由于当时发展时机尚不成熟,概念与内涵均未能得到正确的认识和引导,导致分时度假产品一度成了“欺骗”的代名词。而如今,在如此优越的发展环境下,分时度假既具有有效解决国内旅游爆发式增长引起的各种矛盾的能力,又兼具整合资源、发挥集成优势的作用,理应抓住时机得到较好、快速发展。 基于此,本文在总结国内外分时度假已有研究成果的基础上,以价值链相关理论作为支撑,综合运用各种研究方法,进一步对分时度假的相关概念、内涵进行界定,剖析分时度假产业的运营机制及其中的价值创造活动,并创新性地构建分时度假产业运营的价值链模型;以此模型为理论基础,总结我国分时度假产业的发展状况,深入探索导致这种现状的原因,并分析了国内发展分时度假产业的广阔前景;最后通过研习美国分时度假产业发展成熟的两种运营模式,从中美对比分析中得到启示,进而有针对性地提出解决问题的对策与建议,以期为国内分时度假产业的持续发展提供一定借鉴。
[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of the national economy level, China's tourism industry has begun to increase in an all-round way, and has entered a new stage of popular tourism.On February 18 this year, the national tourism and leisure outline (2013-2020) was officially released, which undoubtedly added a strong impetus to the booming tourism market and created a good policy environment for the great development of domestic leisure tourism.On the other hand, since 2010, our government has introduced a variety of land control policies, as well as loan tightening, real estate purchase restrictions and other measures to ensure the stable development of the domestic residential real estate market.In order to avoid the policy risk, many real estate companies turn to holiday real estate development.As a kind of vacation real estate product, timesharing is not a new thing. Based on its own advantages, it was introduced into the tourism market of China in the 1990s.However, due to the immature development opportunity at that time, the concept and connotation were not correctly understood and guided, which resulted in timesharing products once becoming synonyms of "deception".Now, in such an advantageous development environment, timeshare has the ability to solve effectively all kinds of contradictions caused by the explosive growth of domestic tourism, and also has the function of integrating resources and exerting the integrated advantages, so we should seize the opportunity to get better.Rapid development.Based on this, on the basis of summarizing the existing research results of timeshare at home and abroad, and taking the relevant theory of value chain as the support, this paper makes comprehensive use of various research methods to further define the related concepts and connotations of timeshare.This paper analyzes the operation mechanism and value creation activities of timeshare industry, and creatively builds the value chain model of timeshare industry operation, and sums up the development of timeshare industry in China on the basis of this model.This paper deeply explores the reasons leading to this situation, and analyzes the broad prospects for the domestic development of timeshare industry. Finally, through studying the two mature operation models of the timeshare industry in the United States, the author draws inspiration from the comparative analysis between China and the United States.Then the countermeasures and suggestions are put forward in order to provide some reference for the sustainable development of domestic timeshare industry.


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5 汪传才;论英国的分时度假立法[J];河北法学;2005年07期

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10 王翠平;透析中国分时度假业的发展现状[J];长治学院学报;2005年03期

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1 张国安;中国分时度假的经济学分析[D];复旦大学;2003年

2 王婉飞;我国分时度假规制研究[D];浙江大学;2005年




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