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发布时间:2018-04-16 17:19

  本文选题:房地产企业 + CEO背景特征 ; 参考:《浙江财经学院》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:房地产开发企业作为房地产产业中的重要组成部分,直接影响了房地产产业的健康发展。由于我国城市化和城镇化进程的加快,房地产开发企业得到快速的发展。但是随着国家一系列调控政策的出台,房地产市场竞争已经到了白热化阶段,,中国经济与世界经济接轨,房地产开发企业将面临前所未有的挑战。这就对高层管理者特别是CEO在信息收集、处理、判断并做出正确决策方面提出了更高的要求。因此本文通过研究CEO背景特征与企业成长性的关系,期望了解在我国当前复杂的社会经济环境下,房地产企业CEO背景特征对企业成长的影响,为房地产开发企业的发展提供经验与建议。 本文采用理论分析和实证检验相结合的方式,对CEO背景特征与企业成长性的关系进行理论分析,建立房地产开发企业CEO背景特征与企业成长性的理论研究框架。然后,借鉴国内外已有的公司成长性评价体系和方法,根据企业成长理论,选取房地产开发企业成长性评价指标,利用因子分析法建立房地产开发企业成长性评价体系,计算房地产开发企业成长性指数。最后,以中国沪深两市91家上市房地产开发企业作为研究样本,实证分析了我国上市房地产开发企业CEO背景特征与企业成长性的关系。在此基础之上,考虑到政府在我国房地产市场发展中起到举足轻重的作用,本文进一步深入探讨了CEO政治关联在CEO年龄、任期、教育水平以及职业背景与企业成长性关系中所起到的中介作用。同时,我们按照实际控制人的不同,将总体样本分为国有控股型和非国有控股型两个分样本,进行了比较研究。 本文研究结论表明:房地产企业CEO年龄、任期、职业背景以及政治关联与企业成长性呈现显著地相关关系。CEO的受教育水平与企业成长性的关系不显著。国有控股型和非国有控股型企业CEO年龄、政治关联与企业成长性显著正相关,但是,国有控股型企业CEO任期、受教育水平与企业成长性相关关系较弱。非国有控股型企业CEO受教育水平和职业背景均与企业成长性相关关系不显著。CEO政治关联在年龄、任期、职业背景对企业成长性的影响中具有显著地中介效应,其中年龄通过CEO政治关联影响企业成长性的中介作用最强,任期的所受中介效应最弱。政治关联对CEO受教育水平没有中介作用。
[Abstract]:As an important part of real estate industry, real estate development enterprises directly affect the healthy development of real estate industry.Due to the acceleration of urbanization and urbanization in China, real estate development enterprises get rapid development.However, with the introduction of a series of national regulation and control policies, the competition in the real estate market has reached a white-hot stage, and the Chinese economy is in line with the world economy, and the real estate development enterprises will face unprecedented challenges.This puts forward higher requirements for senior managers, especially CEO, in information collection, processing, judgment and making correct decisions.Therefore, through the study of the relationship between the background characteristics of CEO and the growth of enterprises, this paper hopes to understand the impact of the background characteristics of CEO on the growth of real estate enterprises in the current complex social and economic environment of our country.To provide experience and advice for the development of real estate development enterprises.In this paper, the relationship between the background characteristics of CEO and the growth of enterprises is analyzed theoretically by the combination of theoretical analysis and empirical test, and the theoretical research framework of CEO background characteristics and enterprise growth of real estate development enterprises is established.Then, draw lessons from the existing domestic and foreign company growth evaluation system and methods, according to the enterprise growth theory, select the real estate development enterprise growth evaluation index, use factor analysis method to establish the real estate development enterprise growth evaluation system.Calculate the growth index of real estate development enterprises.Finally, taking 91 listed real estate development enterprises in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets as research samples, this paper empirically analyzes the relationship between the background characteristics of CEO and the growth of listed real estate enterprises in China.On this basis, considering that the government plays an important role in the development of China's real estate market, this paper further discusses the political relationship of CEO in the age and tenure of CEO.The educational level and the professional background play an intermediary role in the relationship between enterprise growth.At the same time, according to the difference of the actual controller, we divide the total sample into state-owned holding type and non-state-owned holding type, and make a comparative study.The conclusion of this study shows that the CEO age, tenure, career background and political connections are significantly correlated with the growth of real estate enterprises. The relationship between CEO education level and enterprise growth is not significant.The age of CEO, political connection and growth of state-owned holding and non-state-owned holding enterprises are positively correlated, but the CEO tenure, education level and growth of state-owned holding enterprises are weak.The relationship between CEO education level and professional background of non-state-owned holding enterprises is not significant. The political relationship between CEO and enterprise growth is significant intermediary effect in the influence of age, tenure and professional background on enterprise growth.Among them, age has the strongest intermediary effect on enterprise growth through CEO political association, and the weakest intermediary effect on tenure.Political connection has no intermediary effect on CEO education level.


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