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发布时间:2018-04-16 18:21

  本文选题:视觉形象 + 地产品牌 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:China entered the commercial real estate market, is basically stopped from 1998 the country began the welfare housing system, 90s to a certain scale. The dual influence on the national fiscal policy support and accelerate the pace of urbanization, the real estate market economy accounted for the total domestic GDP ratio increased year by year in recent years, achieved the remarkable achievements, the real estate industry seems to have risen as a pillar industry of Chinese. With the real estate business, developers began to improve the quality of the construction, attention to brand building, enhance service management, enhance their core competitiveness. The establishment of visual identification system is an effective way to enhance the real estate developers brand image, visual identity the system can real estate signs such as basic elements extended standardized development, the formation of the inherent brand, expand the market visibility to the design. Good VIS, so that it can be popular, in addition to meet the aesthetic needs of common sense, but also should fit the buyers psychological needs. According to the author's actual work experience, and access to a large number of information industry and the relevant papers. The thesis consists of five chapters: the first chapter is the introduction section, this the reason of this topic and research methods, the significance of the characteristics of the real estate industry and the real estate brand visual image. The second chapter analyzes the psychological needs of buyers. The buyers psychology is the theoretical basis of the research of consumer psychology, to classify the different groups of buyers from the consumer psychology, the psychological differences in mining demand. Chinese house purchase for love, are not the same, for such a large house consumer goods, buyers must be careful in the choice, what factors will affect the buyers Choice tendency is that developers need to understand and master. The third chapter discussed the real estate brand image is how to get involved in real estate marketing and promotion of the role played by, and then discusses the real estate brand image design with reason psychological needs of buyers and advantages. With the development of the domestic economy and the real estate market mature, from property buyers to developers for commercial real estate will have a deeper understanding of the real estate brand image, also have higher requirements. Developers to enhance the market competitiveness, we must make the brand image more distinctive brand image design at the beginning, we need to consider the purchase of psychological needs. This will not only allow customers to create a good first impression on the real estate developers, but also help to further clarify the positioning project. In the fourth chapter, through the research of three real estate projects The actual case, analyzes the application status of the real estate brand image, seeking the main problems in today's real estate brand image. In the fifth chapter, the main contents of the above chapters are summarized, elaborated the design principles proposed in this paper, the visual image and puts forward some suggestions about how to do the real estate brand. This chapter also joined the design the author personally involved in the case, and the daily work of the future development trend of what one sees and hears, real estate brand image to put forward their own views.



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