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发布时间:2018-04-17 06:41

  本文选题:智能家居 + 电力线通信 ; 参考:《浙江大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:信息技术的发展、人们生活水平的提高以及席卷中华大地的房地产开发热潮,激发了强烈的智能家居市场需求。本文从家庭电力线路以及家居设备的布局情况出发,提出了一套以电力线通信(PLC)技术为基础,由PLC网关、集中控制器、PLC节点三种模块组成的智能家居系统解决方案。对内能够实现温湿度等传感数据采集、灯光控制、电器控制等功能,对外能够通过PLC网关实现Internet远程访问。 除完成上述模块的硬件电路设计外,本文对电力线通信协议设计进行了重点研究。结合系统选用的载波芯片M1200E的特点,提出了CSMA/CA协议与802.1le中的时隙退避思想相结合的电力线MAC接入协议,提高了电力线信道利用率。针对电力线网络恶劣的通信环境提出了一种利用Hello肖息改进AODV的备份路由协议——AODV-IB,该协议使得节点能同时维护主路由与备份路由,并在主链路断裂时可以“零延时”的启用备份路由进行快速恢复。通过搭建的基于电力线通信网络的测试平台,对相关协议测试后,证明AODV-IB在减少延时、提高数据包投递率方面改进效果显著,更加适合在电力线通信网络中使用。同时,本文还对PLC节点自组网、WEB服务器搭建等工作进行了介绍。
[Abstract]:With the development of information technology, the improvement of people's living standard and the upsurge of real estate development sweeping across China, the strong demand of smart home market has been aroused.Based on the layout of home power line and home equipment, this paper presents a solution of intelligent home system based on power line communication (PLC) technology, which consists of three modules: PLC gateway and centralized controller.The functions of temperature and humidity sensing data acquisition, lighting control, electrical control and so on can be realized internally, and Internet remote access can be realized through PLC gateway.In addition to the hardware circuit design of the above modules, this paper focuses on the design of power line communication protocol.Considering the characteristics of the carrier chip M1200E, a power line MAC access protocol based on CSMA/CA protocol and time-slot Backoff in 802.1le is proposed, which improves the power line channel utilization ratio.A backup routing protocol (AODV-IBS), which uses Hello information to improve the backup routing of AODV, is proposed for the poor communication environment of power line network. This protocol enables nodes to maintain both primary and backup routes simultaneously.And when the main link breaks, the "zero-delay" backup route can be enabled for fast recovery.Through the test platform based on the power line communication network, it is proved that AODV-IB can reduce the delay and improve the packet delivery rate, which is more suitable for use in the power line communication network.At the same time, this paper also introduces the construction of Web server for PLC nodes.


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