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发布时间:2018-04-18 01:06

  本文选题:发展战略 + 人力资源管理 ; 参考:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:X公司是一家具有国企背景的房地产中介公司,拥有非常丰富的社会资源,但是公司所占的市场份额较小。根椐公司的五年发展战略规划:成为华南地区最具竞争力的房地产中介代理公司,并计划在5年内实现公司整体上市。从现状到战略目标之间存在着较大的差距,公司急需提升自身的核心竞争力去适应战略发现的需要。综合各种提升核心竞争力的资源,最重要的是人力资源。因此,人才的开发与培养显得尤其重要。然而X公司的培训处于起步阶段,培训体系不健全,,存在着诸多的问题。因此建立以战略为导向的人力资源培训体系,对企业战略目标的实现以及长远的发展具有十分重要的现实意义。 本研究在大量查阅和学习当代培训管理理论和方法的基础之上,采用了定量和定性相结合的研究方法,对X公司培训体系的实际情况进行了分析。通过对X公司总部人员和销售现场人员进行问卷调查,主要包括个人信息,培训现状信息和培训期望等三个方面。发现X公司在培训体系方面存在以下几个主要问题:(1)虽然公司领导对培训的重视程度较高,但为员工提供培训的机会不够,培训量很不足,难以满足员工的培训需求;(2)员工对公司培训课程开设的满意度不高;(3)培训内容不够实用,针对性较差;(4)较少进行培训效果的评估;(5)公司没有为受训员工提供培训成果转化有利条件;(6)培训形式单一,难以提高积极性。 针对存在的问题,运用文献资料研究法、专家意见咨询法等方法,结合X公司目前培训存在的问题和X公司的战略发展规划,重新构建了X公司的培训体系,包括培训需求分析平台、培训学习平台、培训支撑平台和培训管控平台。为了保证培训体系能顺利实施,笔者还针对X公司的体系实施提出了一些对策与建议,包括树立以战略为导向的培训理念、加强培训效果评估、加强培训跟进与辅导和加强学习型组织的建设。
[Abstract]:X Company is a real estate agency with a background of state-owned enterprises, which has a very rich social resources, but its market share is relatively small.According to the company's five-year development strategy plan: to become the most competitive real estate agency in South China, and plan to achieve the company's overall listing in five years.There is a big gap between the present situation and the strategic goal. It is urgent for the company to improve its core competence to meet the needs of strategic discovery.Synthesis of all kinds of core competitiveness of the resources, the most important is human resources.Therefore, the development and cultivation of talents is particularly important.However, X Company's training is in the initial stage, the training system is not perfect, there are many problems.Therefore, the establishment of a strategic oriented human resources training system is of great practical significance to the realization of strategic objectives and the long-term development of enterprises.On the basis of consulting and studying the theories and methods of contemporary training management, this research adopts quantitative and qualitative research methods to analyze the actual situation of X Company's training system.Through the questionnaire survey of X Company headquarter personnel and sales site personnel, it mainly includes three aspects: personal information, training status information and training expectation.We found that X Company has the following major problems in the training system: 1) although the company leaders attach high importance to training, they do not have enough opportunities to provide training to their employees, and the amount of training is very insufficient.It is difficult to meet the training needs of employees. (2) the employees are not satisfied with the training courses offered by the company. (3) the contents of the training are not practical enough.It is difficult to improve the enthusiasm of the company because it does not provide training results for the trainees and has a favorable condition for the conversion of the training results. 4) the training form is less than the evaluation of the training effect. 5) the company does not provide the training results for the trained staff to transform the favorable conditions.Aiming at the existing problems, by using the methods of literature research and expert opinion consultation, combining the problems existing in the current training of X Company and the strategic development plan of X Company, the paper reconstructs the training system of X Company.Including training needs analysis platform, training learning platform, training support platform and training management platform.In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the training system, the author also puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the implementation of the system of X Company, including setting up a strategic training concept and strengthening the evaluation of the training effect.Strengthen training follow-up and coaching and strengthen the construction of learning organization.


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