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发布时间:2018-04-18 07:13

  本文选题:液压 + 挖掘机 ; 参考:《太原理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着国家大力开展基础建设活动,国家产业对道路建设及房地产开发建设的基础机械设备需求量增大。据2013年4月份的数据显示,小型液压挖掘机作为重要的土方挖掘设备,工程机械行业29家主要挖掘机制造商4月共销售挖掘机16257台,同比增长5.77%。小型液压挖掘机应用广泛,但其工作环境多变、负载情况不可预测,本文经实验和仿真数据分析,研究得到液压挖掘机液压系统的工作性能和能耗分布。因此本文着手建立精确的液压挖掘机的虚拟样机模型,为液压挖掘机工作特性分析、能耗分析及能量分配优化提供参考。 液压元件厂商根据元件特性及原有液压系统的优缺点定制了较多种类的液压系统,如常规节流控制系统、负载敏感控制系统(简称LS控制系统)、抗流量饱和流量分配液压系统(简称LUDV系统)以及双阀芯控制系统(简称Ultronics系统)等。本文主要研究抗饱和流量分配液压系统,在该系统中,关键元器件为负载敏感变量泵、负载补偿多路阀、控制手柄及附件等。本文使用核心分析方法及模块化建模方法,抓住关键部件对其进行精密建模进而完成整机的虚拟样机模型,对建立的虚拟样机模型进行分析研究。 为了建立完整的虚拟样机模型,本文将液压挖掘机分为机械结构及液压系统两个大模块并进行分别建模,然后将两个模块联合分析。本文选用多体动力学仿真软件SimulationX进行虚拟样机模型的建立。SimulationX软件从2006年进入中国,该软件支持多体动力学模型的建立,使用同一款软件建立的模型可以有效的避免因通信时间带来的不同步问题,并且SimulationX软件的液压系统和多体动力学的耦合也经过了多方的验证,其结果具有较强的可信性。 针对液压挖掘机的机械结构部件,使用仪器对其关键结构进行精密测量并在三维建模软件Pro/E中建立整机的机械结构模型和运动学模型,然后将模型转换为SimulationX支持的文件格式,建立挖掘机机械结构的SimulationX模型,并对其进行静力学分析,验证机械模型的正确性。 以液压系统中的负载补偿多路阀的建模为例,介绍了其基本结构与工作原理。针对多路阀主阀芯结构复杂、节流槽形状各异的特点,使用精密仪器对多路阀阀体及阀芯进行精密测绘,并结合前人经验以推导阀芯各种型式节流槽的通流面积。在SimulationX软件中根据液压元件的建模原理搭建元件模型。 本文以SimulationX、Pro/E仿真软件为工具,通过数学推导建立起关键元件的模型,进而搭建起整机的多体动力学模型,模型可以分析整机各种复杂工况下的动态特性、功率消耗以及各元件功率消耗的百分比。该模型对LUDV系统进行了深入的阐释及精确的分析,模型可以为整机的液压系统的设计、能量分析及可回收功率提供依据。
[Abstract]:According to the data of April 2013 , the small hydraulic excavator is an important earth excavation equipment . According to the data in April 2013 , the small hydraulic excavator is used as an important earth excavation equipment , and the operation performance and energy consumption distribution of the hydraulic system of the hydraulic excavator are obtained by the experiment and simulation data analysis .

The hydraulic system , such as conventional throttle control system , load - sensitive control system ( LS control system ) , anti - flow saturated flow distribution hydraulic system ( LUDV system ) and double valve core control system ( Ultrician system ) , are customized according to the characteristics of components and the advantages and disadvantages of the original hydraulic system . In this system , the key components are load sensitive variable pump , load compensation multi - way valve , control handle and accessories .

In order to establish a complete virtual prototype model , the hydraulic excavator is divided into two big modules of mechanical structure and hydraulic system and modeled separately , then the two modules are jointly analyzed . This paper chooses the multi - body dynamics simulation software to establish the virtual prototype model . The software supports the establishment of the multi - body dynamics model . The software established by the same software can effectively avoid the asynchronous problem caused by the communication time , and the coupling of the hydraulic system and the multi - body dynamics of the simulation X software has been verified by many parties , and the result has strong credibility .

Aiming at the mechanical structural parts of the hydraulic excavator , the key structure of the hydraulic excavator is precisely measured and the mechanical structure model and the kinematic model of the whole machine are set up in the three - dimensional modeling software Pro / E , then the model is converted into the file format supported by the simulation X , and the simulation model of the mechanical structure of the excavator is built , and the statics analysis is carried out to verify the correctness of the mechanical model .

Based on the modeling of load - compensated multi - way valve in hydraulic system , this paper introduces its basic structure and working principle . According to the characteristics of complex structure and different shapes of the main valve core of multi - way valve , the precision instrument is used to accurately map the valve body and valve core of the multi - way valve , and the flow area of various types of throttle grooves of the valve core is deduced by using precision instrument . The element model is set up according to the modeling principle of the hydraulic element in the software .

In this paper , the model of the key element is established through mathematical derivation , and the model can be used to analyze the dynamic characteristics , power consumption and the percentage of the power consumption of each element . The model can provide the basis for the design , energy analysis and the recoverable power of the hydraulic system of the whole machine .



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