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发布时间:2018-04-19 07:16

  本文选题:风险 + 风险管理 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:伴随我国社会主义市场经济的建立与完善,得益于房地产开发建设的热潮,房地产的附属行业-机电产品制造与销售也迎来了巨大的发展机遇。任何企业的经营活动,都离不开合同这一重要纽带,大量的合同给S公司带来了利润,随之而来的是各种现实的或潜在的风险。由于缺乏全面的合同风险管理体系,S公司面临着坏账率居高不下、诉讼案件数量逐年攀升的风险境遇,急需加强合同风险管理,对合同风险管理的研究正当其时。 本文试图以S公司为研究对象,利用风险管理理论,分析S公司的合同风险管理存在的制度、人员、技术等方面的问题,运用PEST分析法对S公司合同风险管理所处的内外部环境进行分析,探析S公司合同风险管理环境和原因。在对S公司合同风险管理问题分析的基础上,建立规范的合同管理流程,并利用风险识别工具、风险控制工具、风险处理方法、风险防范工具,建立S公司全面的合同风险管理体系,明确S公司相关职能部门的职责和权限,对公司管理层和业务人员、合同管理人员定期进行培训,在全公司建立起全员的合同风险管理意识,并从注重前期风险预测、加强合同履行管理、注重合同后期监控、建立合同风险管理机制等方面提出防范对策。 本课题的研究,有助于提高S公司的合同风险管理水平,加强S公司合同风险识别、评估、监控、防范的能力,为S公司建立规范的合同风险管理体系进行有益的尝试,对于S公司的交易安全和健康发展有一定的指导意义。
[Abstract]:With the establishment and perfection of socialist market economy in our country, thanks to the upsurge of real estate development and construction, the manufacturing and sales of mechanical and electrical products, which are affiliated to the real estate industry, have also ushered in a great opportunity for development.Any business activity is inseparable from the contract, a large number of contracts to S company profits, followed by a variety of realistic or potential risks.Due to the lack of a comprehensive contract risk management system, the company is faced with a high rate of bad debts, and the number of litigation cases is increasing year by year, so it is urgent to strengthen the contract risk management, and the research on contract risk management is just the right time.This paper attempts to take S Company as the research object, using the risk management theory, analyzes the system, personnel, technology and other problems existing in the contract risk management of S Company.This paper analyzes the internal and external environment of contract risk management in S company by using PEST analysis, and probes into the environment and reasons of contract risk management in S company.Based on the analysis of contract risk management in S Company, a standard contract management process is established, and risk identification tools, risk control tools, risk handling methods and risk prevention tools are used.Establish a comprehensive contract risk management system for S Company, clarify the responsibilities and authority of the relevant functional departments of S Company, and conduct regular training for the management, business personnel and contract management personnel of the company.This paper sets up the whole company's consciousness of contract risk management, and puts forward the preventive countermeasures from the following aspects: paying attention to the early risk prediction, strengthening the contract performance management, paying attention to the monitoring of the later stage of the contract, establishing the contract risk management mechanism, and so on.The research of this subject is helpful to improve the level of contract risk management of S Company, strengthen the ability of identifying, evaluating, monitoring and preventing contract risk of S Company, and make a beneficial attempt to establish a standard contract risk management system for S Company.For S company trading safety and healthy development has certain guiding significance.


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